Kyle's Celeste

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                              KYLE'S POV
Aurora hang the call. I'll have to get   habituated to this soon. She isn't here anymore Kyle. And she's not returning anymore. You are again alone. Alone in this city. Alone in your heart.

Celeste asked me where was I. Even if I wanted, I would not be able to tell you. Because I am afraid that my love  doesn't mean anything to you. And is just a mere torn piece of paper.

Anger rushes  into my veins of my helplessness and I punch the window hard breaking it into pieces.

" Kyle!" Someone shouts from behind.

Turning around I see Kate.

"What the hell are you doing?" She adds,   " Have you gone mad? Why you are breaking things?"

I can feel my pupils turning red. " Go away from here. I am not in the mood to explain anything." I say in anger.

She doesn't move neither act. But come to me slowly and hugs me. I stood still.

" It's okay Kyle. Everybody gets hurt. And it's  okay, just okay." Kate says hugging.

I cannot control my emotions anymore. I had enough controlling them. My eyes want to get wet. They want to escape some tears. My strength, it feels all gone. I felt weak, without her. I fert lost, without her. I feel fear, without her. But  prominently I feel dead without her.

I see Kate with those dead and lost eyes

"Sorry for yelling" I say to Kate after a while, staring out the window.

" It's okay I didn't feel bad." Kate say smiling.

" So you are owning Celeste's apartment now?" Kate asks me with her arms crossed.

I didn't answer but nod. I am not in the mood to speak to anyone about it.

"Then what about your Old place?"  Kate asked

" I haven't thought about it yet." I say still watching out the window.

" Kyle, be yourself. We all are sad of Celeste's absence. But that doesn't mean we will pour ourselves into it totally." Kate says adding," Listen Kyle. I know what she means to you. That she gave you the reason for being happy. And she still gives. But Celeste couldn't do anything with her transfer. She'd have never left New Orleans, us and You. It isn't her fault." Kate says.

I did hear her but said nothing. 

" I guess. You won't be talking today. I should probably go. And you can take a bath to relieve yourself." Kate says.

I slightly turned my head and see her smiling face.

" It's Celeste's way to relieve your anguished mood." Kate says moving away.

" Celeste is asleep. She asked about you but since you were on hunt. I asked her to call you tomorrow." I say

" I know. I heard you talking." Kate says closing the door behind.

As she closes the door behind, my head begins to dip with all her memories we made together. They mean to be more than my life. I still remember the day you came here Celeste. Sweet and subtle. And almost tripping yourself over me, maybe you would have fall down that day and got injured on the first day and then maybe we would have never met and be nothing but strangers. But maybe it was a part of the destiny for us to meet. And to make me fall for you.

I do love you. I cannot deny it. Nor will I ever deny. Because loving you was one of the best thing ever happened to me. Or the only best thing should I say. 

I've sensed a ton of humans since turning. Most of them live for lust and hunger of power , some under influence or fear and some for the sake of spending their life cycle. But Celeste is one of the few, she has a selfless soul. Ready to help anyone,anytime and spread love and happiness.  I had a little definition of living my life but after Celeste came she broadened the meaning of it. But now she's again gone. Away from me. And maybe taking that reason of my living too.

I've never been in love. But when I saw you, I felt it. And slowly it controlled my whole body and mind. Funny as I find it. Because the person who thought if love is a drink or something eatables that makes people go crazy, is now experiencing it himself. I usually used to forget the name Aurora so I started calling her Celeste, means Heavenly bodies. And you were so happy with your nickname that you made me say it 48 times.

I wanted to drive you Forks today by myself but I didn't, since I couldn't assure myself. I felt myself falling over you so much at the moment that I might had confessed my feelings for you. And it might have messed everything between us. Our friendship and the bond; I believe is there. And decided to drive myself. I hope it didn't hurt you.

I pushed my hands inside the pocket and took out the keychain Celeste gave me. It is a small wooden block engraved with my name in small letters with my birth date. I clenched it tightly, took out my phone and played the song Celeste loved to sing, I was made for loving you. I usually found her singing this whenever I sneaked in uninformed. This song sounds so sweet in her voice. That I heard it till the end standing in a corner unnoticed  and couldn't stop clapping as she ends it. And probably she would see me standing in her kitchen or bedroom, without even asking her in.

On playing the song, I can see myself clutching her with my hands softly, in her  perfect gown and doing a slow dance under the lights of the moon and stars which ends with me proposing her with the perfect line     
     " I was made for loving you."

Hope this time come soon. And  you understand , what you mean for me.

Taking the keychain I  put it inside.

The smell of this place reminds me of you. How you used to cook food and burn it usually while talking to Pacey and then I would cook for you. You always asked to untie my hair because you loved my hair falling over my forehead. Because you adored my cute look than the serious and matured one.  And the most usual one, to teach you cooking dishes and try them. Even if it was only for six months, every time with you felt precious and beautiful.

I'll wait for you even if it's a thousand of years. Cause all of it will be worth. And I can never fall in love with anyone else. Never.

Let the stars fade away or the moon hide
      Because my love will be there to
                   starlight  your soul.

Let the stars fade away or the moon hide      Because my love will be there to                   starlight  your soul

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I'm finally done, I'm sorry for the late updates. Hope to update much sooner.

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