Canon Ships (Part One???)

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I feel like this needs to be said. I'm going. To list all the ships that are part of the core headcanon for my DBZ/Super headcanon. And they're all monogamous(one on one, no harems)

First: Gozek x Android 21
(The leading couple that everyone knows and loves.)

Second: Hōseki x Shallot
(I have actually considered this before several times, so I may have to reboot Hōseki AGAIN.....)

Third: Azuki x Bulla
(Honestly one of my favorite ships due to the drama that can be incited by good friends who can play a good Vegeta :D )

Fourth: Uub x Pan
(I barely focus on them but it's something I like to imagine.)

Fifth: Goten x Marron
(To a certain friend of mine, yes I know your main Oc is primarily shipped with Marron, this is just in the timeline where Gozek Originally exists, as in where your oc doesn't exist.)

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