Chapter 6: As Small As A Drop Of Ink

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Over the course of the next month, Sammy was quiet, silent. In fact Bendy could not remove the pacifier from Sammy's mouth unless it was food time. Henry was relishing it, he smiled more, and seemed far more cheerful. Bendy didn't like it at all.

It was strange.

"Whistling?" Bendy asked as he peered into the small library on the second floor, it had once been an archive room, holding the studios documents and recorded messages, slowly but surely it had become a library for its more recent occupants. Henry looked up from his book "Problem?"

"No, it's just-"

"Just what?" Henry interrupted,

"You're being so positive, it's confusing" Bendy said. Henry burst into laughter.

"Oh, I'm sorry, can I not be happy?" Henry asked, raising an eyebrow at the demon vampire, a look of amusement on his face. Bendy shook his head and left Henry to his book, grumbling under his breath.

Isamu meanwhile was rooting through Bendy's things, hoping to destroy those damn twilight books he loved so much and replace it with a better set of vampire novels. Heck, anything was better than that trash Bendy loved.

Wait till he heard there were movies!

Bendy however had returned just in time to catch him red-handed "HEY! Get out of my book stash you little rat!" he cried, leaping at him. Isamu grabbed the first twilight book and scampered off as fast as he could. Bendy growled and gave chase "Give that back!"

"NEVER!" Isamu yelled, giving Bendy a grin, his fangs were longer now, he was slowly becoming less of a newborn.

"That's my book!" Bendy whined.

Isamu stopped and waved it at him "I'll give it back, if you show me your smaller form"

Bendy cringed, "Damn you to hell!" he grumbled, thinking about the deal. It would only be for a short while, then he could get his book back.

"Fine" he sighed, "But give me the book first"

Isamu shook his head. "Not until you change!"

The demon stomped his foot childishly and growled "I hate you for this."

The ink on Bendy's body dripped down his skin, coating more and more of him as it poured from his pores. He looked more like a hill of ink than humanoid, and Isamu cocked his head to the side, wondering what he was doing. The ink hill melted down, stopping at about half a meter before it returned into Bendy's body. 

Isamu gaped at the now cute demon form Bendy had morphed into, (Bendy's cartooned form) and dropped the book onto the floor. "OH MY GOODNESS YOU'RE ADORABLE!!!" he screamed, picking him up and cuddling him.

Bendy hissed his disapproval.


Isamu would not let him go, no matter how much he struggled, or yelled, the boy just kept on hugging him. Petting his fur and making disgusting cooing noises at him, like he was some kind of pet. he was starting to get claustrophobic, and he felt sick, nervous, and extremely confused by all of it.

"LET ME GO!" he yelled, biting at Isamu's arm, but the young vampire didn't budge from his harsh nips. "I SWEAR TO LUCIFER IF YOU DON'T LET ME GO, IMMA TEAR OFF YOUR DAMN LIMBS BOY!"

"Not letting you go, you're so cute! Yes, you are! Yes you is!" he cooed.

Bendy's tail swished angrily like a cat and Henry chuckled as he peered out his bedroom to check on them "Having fun, Bendy?"

"GO FUCK YOURSELF HENRY STEIN!" Bendy shrieked. Henry snorted, "Aww is the poor wittle baby not happy?" he cooed.

Bendy's low violent growl made the fur on his body puff up like a marshmallow. But it didn't make him more threatening, only cuter. Isamu squealed happily and nuzzled him "Aww marshmallow baby!"

"NOOOOOOOOooooooOOOOO!" Bendy screeched.

"Isamu?" Evelyn called. 

Isamu's arms loosened just a bit at the sound of his crushes voice, and Bendy could finally escape his captor. With a rush of energy he sprinted down the hall on all fours with a laugh "YES! FREEDOM!" he cried, looking back to see if he was being followed. There was a split second of joy when he realized he wasn't, and then he ran headfirst into a wall.

Pain exploded in front of his vision like red and orange sparks. Memories long forgotten resurfaced and all it had taken was a bump on the head to set them free. He screamed in agony and clutched his head, writhing on the floor as they re-shelved themselves in Bendy's main memory core. 

Henry and Isamu came rushing over in shock, Isamu picking him up off the floor as he thrashed, trying to keep Bendy still. Bendy struggled in his arms, they felt to him like the straps holding him down, restraining him, keeping him immobile as Sean did his experiments. "No! Leave me! No! Please Sean!" he cried, eyes scrunched up tight as he sobbed.

Henry's eyes widened and grabbed the wriggling demon from his hands, holding him still "Isamu? Can you tell me what he's seeing, now!"

Isamu reached over quickly and placed his hand against Bendy's temple, eyes glowing as he dove into Bendy's Mindscape:

Finally, the pain had gone, his heart no longer bet inside his chest, he felt cold and damp and sick and dead. They picked him up off the floor and dragged him into a white room down the hall. A metal table sat in the middle amongst other science equipment. "Sean, he's done, but there's something weird going on with him" the man to his left said, he could feel the mans pointed fingernails digging into his arm as he held him up. Ben panted slightly, he was far too weak to walk. Ink dripped off him as he fought not to pass out.

Sean grinned "Oh, I know exactly what's going on with this one, have you boys ever heard of a demonic type Vampire before?"

the man holding him to his right nodded "They have powers right?"

Sean nodded and jerked his head to the table. "Strap him down, I want to get a good report of his new abilities"


"If we want to win this fight we need a weapon! I'm going to learn about Ben's powers, and hopefully enhance them, we'll have a perfect weapon in no time at all!"

The men laughed, that sounded like a brilliant idea!

Ben struggled weakly as they hauled him on to the table, strapping him down so tightly he was lucky he no longer needed to breathe. Sean grinned over him, his blonde hair tied back, and the doctor's coat he wore stained with blood. "Now, lets have a good look, shall we?"

The newborn gulped.

Isamu pulled himself away, feeling absolutely sick "H-He..."

Henry tilted his head to the side as Bendy's struggling seized "He what?" he asked,

"S-Sean, he experimented on him..." Isamu replied, trying to keep his breakfast down as best he could, he had felt a fraction of Bendy's fear and pain as the memory had projected into his mind, but it had been enough to put him off.

Henry's eyes widened. "He, what?"

"Wanted to enhance his abilities, so he did tests and experiments, strengthened him" Isamu said, his voice strained.

He stood up, feeling dizzy as Bendy lay in Henry's lap, finally passed out from his struggling efforts, his small chest rising and falling with unneeded breathes. That nagging detail once again popped into his head as he made his way to his room to sleep, how come Sean seemed so familiar?

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