Chapter 14.

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"Hey Julie, my situation is really bad! I miss Alex so much! She doesn't talk to me and I'm getting crazy! I'm sending you because I need to talk to someone and you are the only one that understands."

What? Gus text me? I thought that I have done with that break up thing.Anyway, obviously I don't.

"Hey Gus, I understand how you feel but you have to stay strong for your own good! You know that I'm here for you whenever you need something! "

I text him back.

I am sitting with my mom and I don't know why but I'm smiling because I am finally talking with someone, even Gus isn't the one that I want because I can't like my best friends boyfriend. And of course he is deeply in love with Alex. And one last thing, I don't like him ,I like Kyle.

But, my mom looking me in a strange way.Oh my gosh, is the you-find-boyfriend way! Oh no no, what am I supposed to tell her now? Crap.

"What mom?" I ask her.

"Nothing, you are smiling with who are you talking?" She asked me.

Oh I knew it. "it's nothing! I'm just talking with Gus, he is in a really bad situation! He needs my compassion now. I can't stop talk to him because Alex is a heart breaker!" I said and tried to cover that mess!

After all of that, I finally stopped talking with Gus! Gosh, why I'm feeling a bit guilty? I don't do something wrong.We are just friends for God's Sake.

Julie, just get over it.


Ding ding ding

I swear I'll kill that alarm one day. Finally, it's Friday and today with the school we will go to the Church because We are closing for Easter's holidays.

I eat my breakfast and left for school.

I get in my class and my bestie was waiting me. And of course I heard my name shouted by a very familiar voice, it's Gus.I don't like that a lot. But it's ok.

"Hey Julie" He said.

"Hey Gus. How are you?" I asked.

"I'm fine! Me and Huke will go for coffe after the church. Would you like to come with us.Bring Christine too.?" He asked me.

"Yes of course, we will meet you at the Cafeteria" I replied.

"Awesome! See you then" He said and left.

As we had finished with school me and Christine walked to the Cafeteria. I looked around and it was crowded by all the students! While I was checking who's there I saw Gus waving at us to see where they were.

Me and Christine we sat with them

"Hey guys!" I said when I take my chair to sit.

"Hey girls! Why did you late?" Gus said with a questioned face. Wait, why is he asking? I don't have to tell him.But I will because I don't want to be rude.

"It's nothing! We were just talking when we walked to come here! We didn't late a lot" I tried to answer him without being upset.

"Hello, What do you want to drink? "a voice sound from my back and of course was the waitress, I completely forgot her.

"I'll take an Espresso with black sugar please! " Answer Christine. She talked with a lot of elegance. I love that girl!

"Um, me too! I'll take an espresso too!"I said. Because Gus had distracted me with his questions and I wasn't ready for what to take. So I followed my bestie.

The time passed very fast, but the truth is that we really had fun. We laughed, a lot, we talked about a lot of things and the time comes to leave.

"Hey girls, We will go out tomorrow night again! I don't accept negative answer. ok?" He said with a serious face and he really mean that he didn't want a negative answer.

Me and Christine looked each other really surprised , we didn't expect that quostion.But haven't any other choice so we just accept the invitation!

When we left from the Cafeteria me and Christine laughed so hard!! We really didn't know why and how Gus has stuck with us, and Huke of course! Anyway it isn't bad that!

I came in my home and I checked my phone! What the hell, Gus changed his Photo profil on Facebook. Guess what photo! Me and him! When we were on the Cafeteria we take some selfies! I didn't know that he woud do that! Anyway, it isn't a big thing! We are just friends, I help him to start get over his break up and thats all! Everybody knows that!

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