Chapter 6

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Raina jogged towards the cottage, anxious to be indoors and clean. As she drew closer to the building she saw that it was elevated on posts, just enough to keep the floor out the mud.  A warm glow shone through the windows, and inside she could hear pacing and clanking as if someone was very busily arranging pots.

Raina hopped along a natural path of roots, marched right up to the door and knocked. The pacing didn't pause, but made right for the door, which opened to reveal Julia, dressed casually in a brown blouse with sleeves rolled up to the shoulders, black pants fitted like Kal's, tied around her knees, and with dirt caked on her arms all the way to the elbow. "Raina!" she gasped, looking immediately concerned. Raina had forgotten her injuries. To Julia, she must have looked as if she'd just stepped out of a boxing-match.

"Aunt Julia!" she was so relieved. "It's okay - it's just a nosebleed." She allowed Julia to bustle her into the house but stopped as Julia tried to close the door behind them. "Wait!" She glanced behind her and squinted into the darkness. Kal was still out there, nearly invisible in the dusk. She caught sight of the white of his teeth and waved him in too. "This is my friend Kal."

Kal stepped inside and smiled at Julia, bobbing his head at her. Julia looked hard at him as if remembering something, smiled warmly back, then ignored him completely as she led Raina into her kitchen. 

"Your uncle won't be back until later," she informed them as she sat Raina on a stool and brought a warm, wet cloth for her nose, "What on earth have you been up to? Ran into a tree? Good grief, Raina, you've got two good eyes for a reason!" Raina winced as Julia brought the cloth near her nose, but Julia was skillfully gentle and careful not to touch it.

"I broke my nose," she said, as if the injury was grave enough to excuse where it came from. "If you have some Bone-bottles I'll be fine."

"Absolutely not," Julia said sternly, "Your uncle will Cast you up properly when he gets back. Now let's get you out of these... Oh my goodness!" Julia had taken Raina's elbow to lead her off and shrank back as soon as she touched her bare skin. "You're frozen! Why, you must be sick as a-"

"No, no, it's okay. I just Cast some Bazza'Jo Ice to keep warm." Raina tried to calm her aunt. "It'll wear off soon." Julia looked deeply disturbed for a minute, then smiled reassuringly.

"Bazza'Jo." She murmured, shaking her head. "Well, in this house, if we're cold we put on a sweater. Come on Chilly, you need warm, dry, clean clothes." Raina was led off to her aunt's bedroom while Kal stood patiently just inside the front door where he'd come in.

He was still standing there when Raina emerged in a thick woolen sweater and a long loose skirt of her aunt's around which they'd tied her Baz pouch to act as a belt. Her face was mostly clean now, though her cheeks and eye-sockets were bruised even darker. Julia now turned her attention to the Padman boy.

"Well! I'm not sure where you come into this story, but I hope you'll join us for supper and perhaps we can get the entire tale. Or should you be getting back to your village? I know Kreel are nocturnal folk, but a boy your age still oughtn't be out alone, hm?"

"Lady," Kal smiled at her, "I am Kal Shanindha'bhar, Brughar of the East Wood. Although your concern is flattering and speaks well of your disposition, it is my duty as Brughar to be out this late, and alone. But I would gratefully accept your invitation to supper."

"Oh, well!" Julia looked genuinely pleased. "Isn't this a treat! Welcome, you lovely, well spoken boy! I'm Julia Ratherham, and my husband is Septimus. I only hope my Kreel cooking is what it used to be. We've only been in the neighbourhood a few days. I'm barely in practice!" Julia giggled, almost like a young girl. Raina even thought she was blushing, and was completely left behind by the conversation. She tried to catch Julia's eye to communicate her confusion. Julia paid no attention, and left Raina and Kal for the kitchen. Kal, on the other hand, noted Raina's look.

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