Chapter 26

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Ibli and Raina sat at the table in the kitchen sipping hot mugs of spiced juice that Nana Lalia had brewed for them - a Kreel drink, which she was very keen on cooking for them now that she knew they'd drink it. Mr. Ratherham nursed his mug at the counter, engaged in quiet, low conversation with his old friend Marko. Julia Ratherham stood at the stove stirring a large cauldron of the second batch of the drink.

"He's still moping, I'm afraid." She said with a sigh. "You know men," she shot a look at Mr. Ratherham, "They have their prides bruised and they feel they need to be alone until the rest of the world forgets. He's a proud man, my Septimus, and it leads him to make stupid decisions. But he's good too, and when he's ready we can start healing together."

"How are Mr. Widestock and the others?" Raina asked. It had been a full week since the night of the battle, and they'd heard nothing even from Dr. Menasche.

"Better, thank goodness. If anyone with fewer skills than Septimus had handled them, I doubt  half of them would have survived the night."

"He doesn't want to... you know... keep them, is he?" Raina watched her Aunt Julia carefully, in case her body gave away more than her voice did. Julia paused.

"He probably intends to take Widestock, at least, back to Keizer with him." Julia conceeded. "Partially as his doctor, but also to get him out of here. Widestock isn't likely to be the same man he was when he gets better. He's been through some serious trauma. He should be brought home - and if he stays here, he's too easy a target for any lingering resentment."

"Aunt Julia..."

"He'll do the right thing, whatever it is, Raina." Julia ladled herself a mug of juice and came to the table. "I don't think your duties here extend to Widestock's future. I swear to you, Septimus means him no harm." Raina supposed she'd better accept that. "But on that subject: the Channeler. Raina, whoever it is, he needs to go with Septimus to Keizer. His powers... they are too great. And uncontrolled. That a boy - or girl - could have drawn that kind of power out of a Bazza'Jo Baz... it's frightening. There aren't many true Bazza'Casters left in the world who could train someone with those powers. Septimus could." Raina looked into her drink. She knew that was true.

"But never mind that for tonight. Septimus and I only have a week left in Fort Arnisson, and I don't want to spend it in doom and gloom. Raina, what's this I hear about the townsfolk being invited to Dha'bhar for a feast? How on earth are they getting out there?"

Raina grinned. "Talia and Amina - the Nehir's apprentices, you know - came up with a design for a raft, using the firestones. Um, those are the floating magnets they use for hunting." She added for the benefit of her father and sister. "A Kreel guide can lead a raft of any Keissarians who can't handle the walk out there - which is practically everyone, I guess. Some people have already been - my fifth-year teacher Ms. Hempshire took three of her friends. They love it out there. Behn is going to teach them to harvest gourds and things."

"Not everyone will go, of course. A lot of people still don't believe that the North Wood is willing to just let them be. But Kal's father has been in town almost constantly since the meeting, talking to people - talking their ears off. And some of the Kreel injured during the raid on the storehouses have come to be patients of Dr. Menasche - as you know, I guess. Having them around in town, acting like they belong here... it helps, you know? They need to think of the Woods as something other than a mess of trees that are in their way."

"I went this evening with Nana Lalia." Ibli smiled. "I like her neices and nephews, they are terribly clear."

"You're clear too, my strange little Ratherham." Nana Lalia gave Ibli a great big hug from behind. "And my sister's children, do you know, showed her their gardens of corona-flowers and neepvines. I thought little Ibli was never going to leave!" Ibli sipped her drink happily.

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