The SCP Foundation

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I slowly woke up in what seemed like a small eternity. I held my head as it pounded with pain. The first thing my eyes were drawn to, was the light at the top of the small confinement cell. Everything was white in the cell. It had a toilet, a sink, a desk, and a bed. Suddenly, the weird door opened up to a heavily armored guard standing in front of it.

"OUT! NOW!" He yelled at me. I quickly sprawled out of the small, hard bed, standing right in front of him.

"Y-YES SIR!!" I yelled at him, saluting him instantly. He only sighed in frustration.

"Where am I?" I asked him, having no clue of my surroundings.

"Welcome to the SCP Facility." He said plainly. My eyes widened in shock.

"W-What? Y-You're kidding, right? This is all some staged joke, right?" I asked him hysterically. He looked at me with silence behind his closed helmet, which made me worry even more.

"S-So what you're saying is... Y-You've taken me to the secret foundation where you guys keep the most dangerous entities that could end the world..." He paused for a couple more seconds before speaking.

"Come with me.." He said plainly, without answering my question. I slowly crept out of the small room. The hallway was a long one. It was white and had many, many other doors. The man walked behind me, his boots hitting the ground as he took each step.

"Turn left." He pulled me to the left as another hallway came with a metal door at the end. When we got up to the door, he stopped me.

"Tell me, how did you find us?" He asked me. I could see some general sincerity to his question.

"I've always been interested with spooky stuff, though I know they don't exist. I am very good at hacking into websites on the deep and dark web. I did a lot of searching. I wanted to see if the SCP Foundation was actually a real place and not just a big thing that everyone in the world just wrote about. I ended up finding the actual site, hacking into it, and researching a lot of different specimen." I explained to him calmly. I put the fact that they had world-ending monsters here in the back of my head for now, so I could stop the small time panicking. He started with a light chuckle, then it grew to a large guttural laugh.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Do you expect me to believe... You.. A what... 15-16 year old Boy, to be able to learn how to get into the dark/deep web and stumble upon our website, and hack into its mainframe just to research what we do?" He laughed even harder. I could tell he didn't believe me.

"You did send your men after me, didn't you?" I said with a smirk. He stopped laughing, catching himself of his own mistake. I chuckled a bit on my own, knowing that I stumbled him.

"Sh-Shut up and get moving!" He yelled.

"I can't." I shrugged.

"Why not?!"

"The door won't open." I looked back at him. He groaned in annoyance and pulled out a card and scanned it against the pad next to the door. He pressed the door button, opening the door. We both walked in to a walkway overlooking a large containment door. On the side, it read, SCP-173, Object class: Euclid.

"Th-That's... The Sculpture... SCP-173.... You cannot avert your gaze or it will snap your neck. God, it's terrifying to even think about."

"We're going to run some tests with three D-Class personnel in a couple days. I'm hoping all goes well."

"So... how do you get these personnel? I don't believe that they personally volunteer to be here to be tested on these entities."

"Most of them are criminals. They don't have anything else to live for, so we pick them up from death row and bring them here. They'll eventually die here, so no word is spread about the place." The guard said.

Someone Special (Male Reader x SCP-166)Where stories live. Discover now