An Experimental Play Date

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of a loud ass buzzer. I slept pretty well, minus the bed. I had a good dream about Serena and I hanging out and reading books. The lights came on quickly in my tiny cell. The bed wasn't at all comfortable, really shitty, 2 out of 10 if you ask me. A knock came to my door.

"Who is it?" I called out, curious to who it was.

"It's Connor. I brought you breakfast and some new clothes to wear." I looked down, picking my shirt up to my nose. I sniffed it and much to my surprise, it reeked. Did I smell like that yesterday? Surely not. The door opened to Connor in his usual armored soldier attire, holding a tray. On the tray, was a bowl of Cheerios, and a glass with a large pint of milk on the side. under the bowl, was a smaller sized orange jumpsuit. He walked in.

"What's up? Question, were you sent by CyberLife by any chance?" I asked him, making a small reference to a certain game I got for free on a certain month. Thank you PlayStation Plus.


"Don't.... worry about it." He didn't get it.....But that's okay.. Uncultured swine..

"Whatever. I brought you some Cheerios and some milk for breakfast. I also brought you your own official jumpsuit for testing." Connor said, setting the tray down on the desk across from my bed. He lifted the bowl, taking the jumpsuit out from under it. He handed it to me.


"I'll turn around." He turned his back to me as I took off my own clothes and put on the jumpsuit. It wasn't horrible. It wasn't that comfortable either. But what do you expect from a secret testing facility? I got up from my bed and sat down at the table. I opened the pint of milk and poured it in my bowl of cereal and my glass. I started eating.

"So the plan for today is more walking around, checking on things, which you will be helping me with. Then, later in the afternoon, we will be testing with SCP-166 again.... Also, the test with SCP-173 has been moved to today instead of tomorrow, so it looking forward to seeing how that goes."



"Call her Serena. That's her name. Please call her that."

"Sorry, kid, but I don't listen to the ramblings of a minor to a classified entity." He shrugged as I sighed heavily.

"You guys treat the creatures here like trash, you know that?" I asked him, taking another bite.

"Well, we treat the people here like that too, but I don't hear them complaining."

"That's because you basically kill them by putting them in your experiments."

"You're not wrong kid... You're not wrong. Hurry up and eat, we got shit to do." I sighed again, eating a bit faster. When I got done, he and I left the shit in the room as we went out in the hallway. We went to the right this time, instead of the left, being the longer part of the hallway we were in. We passed through a door into what seemed to be a general lounge for the employees for this sector. Connor went into the closet towards the back of the lounge, coming out with a mop and a bucket of soapy water.

"Okay. You're going to mop the floor as I eat my breakfast." Connor said, walking over and pulling some milk out of the fridge and grabbing some cereal out of the cabinet above him. He already had a bowl out in front of him.

"Wait Wait Wait. You expect me to do regular house chores while you eat breakfast?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

"Yeah. I still need to eat my breakfast as well as you do. Plus, this place needs to be cleaned up a bit. I'll help out with the counters and table once I'm done eating. Either way, it's not like you can do anything in the meantime. The test with.... Serena... isn't until later today, so this is something to pass the time I guess." I only sighed in annoyance and started mopping the place up. After about 30 minutes or so, he finally got done with his cereal. He got up, picked his bowl and spoon up, and went to the sink to clean them off. Afterwards, he put everything away in their usual place and got some wipes to wipe down the table and counter of anything. Another 30 minutes of cleaning later, the room looked basically spotless. All of the cleaning supplies were put away and I was already done with today... fuck the test... I'm already tired... Suddenly, a call came to Connor's walkie. I wasn't able to make out what the words were. He picked up his walkie and asked whoever was on there to repeat what they said. They did so in his ear.

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