Bella's Dead?

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Tiffany's POV

It's March 17th and I'm looking at wedding bands with Tristan. "No, it needs to be Rose gold. Like the engagement ring" I tell him.

"How about this then?" he asks showing me another ring.

"I don't know, my engagement ring already has diamonds on it" I remind him.

"Ok, how about we design our own wedding bands? We can do any design we want" he tells me.

"Sounds perfect" I say smiling. "Let's ask for Alice's help, I'm sure she's seen the design we choose" I tell him.

"Ok, you excited for next week?" he asks as we leave my room.

"To be dragged shopping for ours with Alice, Rosalie and Esme for hours? When Alice knows the dress I'll choose, but will still make me trying on multiple dresses?" I ask. He chuckles wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"I'm sure it won't be that bad" he assures me. "Besides I have to go shopping for my suit" he reminds me. He then looks sad and I hug him.

"I know you miss Edward and wish he was here. But I'm sure he'll return in time for our wedding" I assure him.

"Thanks sweetie, I needed to hear that" he says and kisses my forehead gently. "So when did you want to turn?" he asks me.

"Once we're back from our honeymoon, then we can remain here until I master control of my thirst" I tell him.

"Sounds good to me" he says smiling. We go into the lounge where Alice is watching a movie with Jasper. "Hey Alice, we need your help" Tristan tells her.

"What can I help you both with?" she asks us.

"We can't decide on a wedding band and wish to design one. Have you drawn what they'll look like?" I ask her.

"Sure have" she says smiling and the boys chuckle. "Let me get my sketch pad" she tells me. She goes over to the counter and suddenly freezes having a vision. Jasper rushes over to her.

"Alice, what did you see?" he asks her concerned. Seeing the look of horror on her face. Just then Rosalie, Emmet, Carlisle and Esme return from hunting.

"What is it Alice?" Carlisle asks her.

"It's Bella, she's dead" she says sadly.

"What do you mean dead?" Esme asks.

"How?" I ask weakly and Tristan holds me close.

"She was at a cliff over looking the beach, she jumped off it. She surfaced, but the waves were to strong and pushed her back under. I didn't see her resurface or anyone dive in to save her" she explains.

"Poor Charlie" Esme says sadly.

"I have to go, someone has to tell Charlie what happened" Alice states.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Jasper asks her.

"No, I'll go alone. It'll only be a couple of days" she tells him. "But no one tell Edward" she tells us.

"He deserves to know Alice" Rosalie and Tristan tell her.

"Just wait until I return from Forks, I'll tell him" Alice tells them.

"We have to trust Alice's judgement" I tell Tristan.

"Just hurry back" he tells Alice and leads me back to my room. We sit on my bed and I hug him.

"What would you do if it were me?" I ask him.

"I'd want to die to and go to the Volturi" he states.

"Then you know we can't tell Edward yet, not until Alice returns. He'll probably want to die too" I tell him.

"I can't lose my brother Fifi" he tells me.

"You won't, I promise" I assure him. "Everything will be ok" I tell him. "Let's take a break from wedding planning and just watch a movie" I tell him. "You can pick" I add.

"Then I choose Revenge of the Sith" he tells me smiling.

"Ok, but we need popcorn" I tell him smiling. We go to the kitchen and get popcorn. Then sit in the lounge and begin watching the movie. Towards the end of the movie we hear Rosalie arguing with Carlisle. "What's going on?" I ask him confused.

"Don't know, pause the movie. I'll go see what's happening" he tells me. I do so and he leave the room. I relax feeling tired. Tristan returns looking mad and worried calling someone. "Damn it Edward! Call me back!" he exclaims and throws the phone on the couch.

"What's wrong?" I ask him concerned.

"Rosalie told Edward where Alice is and why she went there. Now he won't answer his damned phone" he growls.

"Hey, it'll be ok" I assure him.

"I have to go to Volterra" he states.

"What?!" I exclaims.

"I know he'll go there and I have to stop him" he tells me.

"I'll go with you" I tell him.

"No, it's to dangerous for you as a human" he tells me. "I'll be back, but I have to go now" he states.

"Just be careful" I tell him and he kisses me. He leaves to go to the airport. Esme appears asking what I want for dinner. "I'm not hungry" I tell her.

"Don't worry, they'll both be ok" she assures me.

"I know, but I can't help but worry" I tell her.

"I know, now I'm going to make you some soup" she tells me. Then goes to the kitchen. I sigh and lay on the couch. Pharaoh jumping onto my stomach and I pat him. Feeling more relaxed, he always calmed me when Tristan isn't around. I pray Edward and Tristan return home safely.


Picture above of Alice and gif on the external link of Alice's vision of Bella jumping off of a cliff.

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