Plan and War Stories

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Tiffany's POV

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Tiffany's POV

I just put Masen to bed. We'd just spent Christmas with Bella, Renesmee, Jake, Charlie and the Clearwaters at Charlie's house. Bella left to run some errands though in the morning. I was watching him sleep waiting for Tristan to get back from his hunt. When I hear a light tap on the front door. I leave Masen and go answer it.

"Bella, what a lovely surprise" I say with a smile.

"Can we talk?" she asks me.

"Of course, come in" I say and let her in. "We'll go to the den" I tell her grabbing her arm and teleport us there.

"Whoa, you're getting good at that" she tells me.

"What about you? I heard you managed to shield Edward the other day" I say smiling.

"Yes, it's not easy. I have to focused fully on it, which leaves me vulnerable to attack" she explains.

"I'll watch your back" I assure her. "So why the visit?" I ask her.

"The note Alice, it lead to a hidden message for me. She made sure only I would find it. As only my mind is safe from Aro" she explains.

"Then why tell me anything?" I ask her confused.

"Because it concerns Masen" she states. "Alice has plan in place if things go south with the Volturi. Her vision was clear, Renesmee and Masen will have a future. But we won't be in it" she explains sadly.

"No, that can't be true" I say.

"She had fake passports made up for them, Jake, Leah and Seth" she tells me. "You need to prepare a bag for Masen. Encase they have to leave" she tells me.

"I can't lose him Bella or anyone" I tell her.

"I know, but we have to be prepared for the worst" she states. I nod my head. "I have to go prepare a bag for Renesmee. Please don't tell anyone" she says handing me a file. "Leah, Seth and Masen's fake passports & IDs. Along with money, don't read them" she tells me a leave.

I go to Masen's room as look at him longingly. I can't lose my son. I look at the file, a part of me wanted to burn it. But I knew Masen and the other two would need it. I also felt tempted to read it, so that if they do leave. I can find them is I survive. But that would only put them in danger. Only Bella can know their new names.

I pack a bag for Masen and place the file inside. Then sit at his desk and start to write a letter to him. My darling Masen, if you are reading this. Then Alice's vision came true and we had to go our separate ways. Know that no matter what Tristan and I love you with all our hearts. Leah and Seth will protect you. I pray Jacob and Renesmee are with you also. Everything you three need are in this bag. They will tell you about the Tekona legends. I pray one day we will reunite. Until then live your life to the fullest and never forget us. Forever your mother, Tiffany Cullen.

I place the letter in the envelope and place it in the bag. I place it by the door and hear Tristan return. I decide to have some fun and evaporate. "Fifi!" he calls quietly. I reappear above his head floating with my telekinesis. I drop onto his back wrapping my arms and legs around him.

"Got ya" I say and kiss his neck. "Have a good hunt?" I ask him.

"Yes did you and Masen have fun at Charlie's?" he asks me as I hop off of him.

"Yes, Leah gave him a hand made bracelet. Jake did the same with Renesmee" I tell him. "Though he loves the DS we got him" I add.

"You still going hunting tomorrow with the girls?" he asks me.

"Yes, which means you have to take Masen to the house for him to spend time with our family" I tell him.

"Don't worry, we'll have fun and you'll be back by lunch" he reminds me. I nod my head. "He asleep?" he asks me.

"Like a log" I tell him. He picks me up and I squeal. "What are you doing?" I ask him with a giggle.

"Spending time with my lovely wife" he states and takes me to our room. Which is sound proof. At least no one can hear us. But we can hear if Masen needs us or if someone knocks at the door. Anyway Tristan lays me on the bed and ...

(Couple days later)

Bella and I each gave our child a locket with our pictures in it

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Bella and I each gave our child a locket with our pictures in it. I then left her with them as it is her time to tell them a story. I spot Jake as he puts firewood down. Leah is in charge of his pack while he is here. Though she longed to be here near Masen. Anyway I go over to Tristan as Jake sits on a log.

"That's what I'm talking about. A little pre-battle bonfire, telling war stories" he says rubbing his hands together. Garret sits on a log opposite him.

"Name any American war, I was there" he brags.

"Little big horn" Jake says.

"I came this close to biting Custer, but the Indians caught him first" Garret tells us. Kate appears beside him.

"Try Oleg's assault on Constantinople, he didn't win that one on his own" Kate tells us. Everyone gathers around the fire as they start to tell stories. Liam is the next talking about the eleven year war.

"Didn't you lose the eleven year war?" Tristan asks him.

"Aye, but it was a hell of a rebellion" he tells us. Vladimir and Stefan then start to talk about their past. I lean into Tristan feeling content.

"When we ruled everything came to us. Prey, diplomats, favor seekers. Such was our power, but we never put on white hats and called ourselves saints" Vladimir explains.

"We were honest about what we were" Stefan adds. No wonder the Volturi attacked them. They broke a law.

"We sat still for a very long time, we didn't notice we were beginning to petrify" Vladimir explains.

"Perhaps the Volturi did us a favor when they burned our castles" Stefan says.

"We've waited fifteen hundred years to return the favor" Vladimir states. No wonder they arrived when they did. The want the Volturi to attack us, so that we can kill them. Not on my watch. My family won't die for them. If they want revenge, they can do it alone.


Picture above of Renesmee and Jake's fake passports. Picture on the external link of the witnesses gathered around the camp fire. Pictures in chapter of Tiffany's famliy house and Masen's locket.

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