Double Pregnancy

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Tiffany's POV

It's been a couple of weeks since we returned home. Emmet and Rose took us girls straight away. Kept us away from the others until they promised not to harm our babies. Tristan was the first to agree. We spoke and he agreed our baby is a miracle. That he'd try to be there for me to support me. While Edward still wants his and Bella's baby dead.

Anyway the others agreed not to harm our babies. Bella and I look like we're seven - eight months pregnant. We're both pale and look sickly. We've hardly been able to keep food and water down. The others have been doing research to try and find out what our babies are.

None of what they've found looks good. But I don't care and neither does Bella. We'll protect our babies until we're dead. Right now we're in the living room on the couch. She's on the left and I'm on the right. Both of us are under a blanket.

"Do you want anything Fifi?" Tristan asks me as I pat Pharaoh. He doesn't lay on my stomach anymore. He doesn't like the baby kicking him. Otherwise, he seems fine.

"No, I'm ok" I assure him. Just then we hear a motorbike arrive. Dad leaves to go talk to the person. We soon hear Jake downstairs.

"Jake, is that you?!" Bella calls. Shortly after Jake enters the room with Dad. Who goes back over to mum as Jake walks over to Bella. "I'm glad you came" she says.

"Close enough" Rosalie says blocking his path.

"What's your problem?" Jake asks her annoyed.

"Rosalie, it's ok"  Bella tells her.

"If Bella says it's ok, it's ok" I tell Tristan and Rosalie. They back away letting Jake sit beside Bella. While Pharaoh perches himself on the arm rest.

"You look terrible" Jake tells Bella and looks at me. "So do you" he adds.

"Thanks, every girl dreams of hearing that" I say sarcastically.

"It's nice to see you Jacob" Bella adds.

"So are you going to tell me what's wrong with you both?" Jake asks her.

"Rose, do you wanna help me up?" Bella asks her.  Jake stands up and Rosalie helps Bella up. Revealing Bella's very pregnant belly. As I rub mine.

"You did this!" he accuses going to attack Edward. But Jasper blocks his way as Bella sits back down.

"We didn't know it was possible" Tristan tells him.

"What is it?" Jake asks dad.

"They're babies" I tell him annoyed.

"Ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate the embryonic sacks" Dad explains.

"I can't see them either and I can't see Bella or Tiffany's futures anymore" Alice adds.

"We've been researching legends, but there isn't much to go on. What we do know is that they are strong and fast growing" dad explains.

"This is none of your business dog" Rosalie states.

"Rose, all this fighting is not good for Bella and Tiffany" mum tells her.

"The fetuses isn't good for Bella and Tiffany" Alice states.

"Say the word Alice!" I demand tearing up. "Babies, they are just little babies" I tell her.

"Fifi, please calm down" Tristan says rubbing my back.

"Jacob, I need to talk to you" Edward says and leads him out of the room.

"Tristan, I want some fresh air" I tell him.

"Ok" he says and helps me out. He leads me outside. We pass Jake who enters the room to talk to Bella. "What are you thinking Figi?" he asks me as we sit on a porch swing.

"That I love our miracle baby and I wished everyone would stop seeing him as a monster" I tell him.

"Hey, it'll be ok" he assures me. "So you still think we're having a boy?" he asks me.

"Yes, Bella thinks she's having a boy too" I tell him. "You know, we still haven't discussed names" I tell him.

"Any ideas?" he asks me.

"I was thinking Masen" I tell him. "That way he can have your original last name and our family name" I explain.

"Masen" he says rubbing my stomach. "I like it" he says smiling and I smile back kisses him gently. Our moment is ruined by a crush from the front of the house. We pull away and hear something running away. "Jake left" he tells me.

"Lets go back inside, Rosalie said she'd make me a bath tonight" I tell him. He helps me up and we go back inside. Rosalie takes me inside and upstairs to the bathroom.

After my shower I rejoin Bella. To find out Jake told the pack about our babies and that they want them dead. But he, Seth and Leah left the pack to help protect us. But the pack has surrounded the house and refuses to let my family leave to hunt.

(Next day)

The others are in the lounge, Jake keeping Bella warm. While I'm relaxing on the porch swing. Tristan went to feed Pharaoh and get me something to drink. This morning Bella and I could keep nothing down. Tristan wants me to try drink some water at least.

Just then Leah and Seth exit the tree line. "Hey" I say with a smile.

"Whoa, Jake's right you look..." Seth starts to says and Leah whacks his head.

"No girl wants to hear that" she scolds him. "You should be inside" she tells me.

"I know, I just needed some fresh air" I tell her. "I'm sorry you left your pack" I add.

"I'm over it" she tells me. "So do you know what your having?" she asks me.

"No, but I'm hoping for a boy" I tell her smiling.

"Cool, I can touch him to play catch" Seth says smiling. Just then Tristan appears.

"Jake just had an idea, come inside for a sec" he tells me. I nod my head and he helps me up. I say bye to Seth and Leah. He escorts me inside and Rosalie offers me a foamed cup with a white straw. "Please drink" Tristan tells me. I take it and take a zip.

"It tastes nice, what is it?" I ask as I take another zip. Dad checks my pulse.

"It's already getting stronger like Bella" he announces.

"I don't think you want to know Fifi" Tristan tells me. "But you'll have to drink it daily and hopefully you'll be able to keep other things down" he explains. I nod my head and finish the cup handing it to Dad. Tristan then gives me some water and a couple pieces of toast. Which I manage to keep down. So did Bella.


Pictures above of Jacob finding out Bella's pregnant.

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