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Frosty-I'm boreeeeeeed

Kid-Im sorry what am I supposed to do about it?

Frosty-I don't know, entertain me or something -_-

Kid-What am I your pet?

Frosty-No but it would be nice


Frosty-Luffy! Do you want to play?


Frosty-would you look at that, the one time somebody actually wants to play with him he's sleeping >_<

Law-You could try sleeping.

Frosty-Don't want to.

Ace-Then what are you going to do?

Drake-*Whispers something in Frosty's ear*

Frosty-Great idea!

Ace-What is it?

Frosty-To tell jokes!

Kid-That was it? That was his great idea?

Drake-I never said it was great it was just an idea...Ketchup-head.

Kid-What? Who are you calling Ketchup-head, Barney?

Frosty-STOP!*Hits them both in the head*Please just don't fight.


Frosty-Yosh we can take turns in saying the jokes, I'll start! Why will all the girls who fell for Ace get disappointed?

Ace-What? I would never disappoint my fan girls~

Frosty- Because his heart already burns for Akainu.

Ace-...Oh yeah! Wait...HOW AM I STILL ALIVE?

Frosty-Because you just are don't argue with logic, your turn now Ace.

Ace- Fine, what colour is Sanji's Bedroom?


Ace-All Blue!

Kid-*laughs sarcastically* ha ha ha ha...

Ace-What? It no the greatest joke I'll admit. Kid you say a joke.

Kid-I don't know any.

Frosty-C'mon don't be a joker pooper ;)

Kid-A what? Nevermind, I don't know any jokes!

Frosty-Fine fine, Law?

Law- Why do all the girls around Joker have big breasts?


Law-Because Donquixote Doflamingo has a double D.

Frosty-OoO Law! I knew it was going to be about Doffy but not the Pervy part!

Kid-I don't get it...

Law-Well you see-

Frosty-There's no need to know

Kid-But I want to know!

Frosty-Trust me you don't.

Kid-Trust me I do.

Frosty-Just stop trying to act so smarty pants and lets get on with it!

Kid-Why don't you stop acting like the leader and shut up!

Frosty-Because I am, no don't say anything because YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID!

Kid-Why you-

Law-Just shut it Eustass-ya

Kid-I don't take orders from the Surgeon Of Babies.

Law-Stop trying to pick a fight and behave for once!

Frosty-Thank you Law! Now, I have a joke, Whats the best way to talk to a dinosaur? A loooong distance!

Drake-I'm standing less than 1 meters away from you, that's not a long distance.

Frosty-Since when did you get there?

Drake-*smirk*Just now.

Frosty-Damn you T-Rex.

Drake- I'm not a T-Rex I'm a Theropoda Dinosaur.

Frosty-A what now?

Drake-Theropoda Dinosaur


Law-Isn't it time to go?

Frosty-What? No why?

Law-Havnt you got some kind of Dance routine tomorrow?

Frosty-Oh yeah I forgot! Jana Mina~

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