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A/N: A short thing I made while I was bored :3 Enjoy~

Your name is Lara and you have a twin brother, Trafalgar Law. You were twins and exactly alike though you had long black hair and no facial hair, that's the only difference. Same hat, eyes, hair colour, clothes and Devil Fruit power.

"Lara!" Law called putting his hand on your mushroom like hat, "What are you doing?"

You shrugged of his hand off your hat,
"Why do you want to know?" You asked slightly pissed.

"I'm bored," He stated, prodding your cheek.

"Don't do that." You ordered glaring at Law with stormy grey eyes.

Law seemed to falter a bit as he met a copy of his own murderous gaze, then grinned.

"Getting a bit feisty, youngest?" Law teased.

"I'm not the youngest!" You shouted turning to face Law with a deadly face,

"Yes you are," he teased, "I'm 10 minutes older~"

"No I'm not! Minutes doesn't matter," You gritted your teeth in annoyance, "We were born the same day so we're the same."

"But I'm physically older," Law pointed out.

"Don't talk about your body It's a sore sight." You spat.

His face was tinted pink.

"Your one to talk Lara with flat chest and all." He taunted.

"Don't talk about my breasts!" I yelled turning red, "It's not my fault I'm not a D size!"

"A what?" Law asked, "What's a D size?"

You just sighed and face palmed,"Ya don't wanna know Law-nii-San."

"Nii-San Huh?" He smirked.

"So? Doesn't mean your older than me, to me it just means brother, just brother, not older or younger."

"You really are weird Lara-nee-San." He said in a taunting voice.

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