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I shuffle out of the bedroom and down the hall, yawning tiredly. To my surprise the house was quiet, very quiet. I could hear a couple people talking quietly but that's about it. I head out to the living room, my eyes landing on Zeb and Jonah's mother. She glances over, smiling.

"Why hello dear. Jonah took the girls out for ice cream. Here come sit." I follow her to the couch, sitting down between them.

"So let me hear it. I wanna know everything." I say tiredly. Zeb smiles before glancing at his mom.

"Well to start off, he's been talking about you non stop since he met you." I blush, my mind whirling. He's liked me for almost 4 years and we only just got together?

"When he came home from that first la trip he would just go on and on about how you were so small and so adorable and how your eyes were really pretty." His mom says, gaining my attention. Wow he was freaking cute.

"Everyday he would text me and tell me it was killing him not to tell you. But stayed put nonetheless. He didn't want to ruin your friendship. But he was so helplessly in love with you." Zeb speaks up again.

"When you started showing interest in him he was over the moon. He was so excited that you felt the same way. He had called me to tell me that you guys were getting closer and that he was going to ask soon. Of course Jonah being Jonah waited a few months before popping the question."

I remember when he asked me. It was the cutest thing ever. He was extremely nervous, stumbling over his words as his cheeks flushed red. I had leaned up and kissed him, cutting him off before pulling away and saying yes. He was so happy that he kissed me again. A beautiful day really.

"That's honestly so cute. I can't believe he didn't tell me sooner." I admit, chuckling softly. As if on cue, the boy comes stumbling in, the girls behind him.

"Oh hey baby. I got you ice cream." He says excitedly, lifting up a small tub. I smile softly at him, placing my hand on my bump.

"Thanks love. I'll have some later." He nods, putting it away before walking over.

"So what were you talking about?" He asks, sitting down after Zeb scoots over. I lean against him as he kisses my head, smiling softly at me.

"Just how you had a crush on me when we first met." His smile drops and his face gets red.

"Zeb what the hell? I told you not to tell!" He hisses. I hit him gently, causing he to glance at me.

"Oh be nice." I say, causing his mouth to open.

"What?! You're taking his side??"

"I'm not taking anyone's side. I just want you to be nice to your brother. He's a guest." Jonah grumbles before getting up and stalking into the bedroom. I roll my eyes as his mom chuckles.

"He hasn't changed a bit I see." He chuckles.

"I guess I have to go in there soon and talk to him." I sigh.

"Oh he loves you regardless." I sigh, nodding.

"I know."

"No I don't think you do." Zeb says. I glance at him confused.

"He was straight before you. Or he thought he was anyways. He's had a couple girlfriends, but they never worked out. The second he laid eyes on you and started blowing up our phones, we were surprised to find out you were in fact a boy. And he hasn't stopped loving you for almost 4 years. He really does love you." I blush, my heart pounding. I'm his first and only boyfriend???

"Oh um well I'm gonna go talk to him." They nod, Zeb helping me up from the couch. I walk down the hallway and into the bedroom, seeing him scrolling through his phone as he laid on the bed. The second his eyes land on me, he rolls on his side so he's not looking at me. What a baby.

"Jonah are you mad?" I ask softly, shutting the door. He doesn't respond, causing me to sigh.

"I'll let you be then. I love you. You don't have to say it back I guess." I say quietly, turning to leave.

I was waiting for him to tell me to stop, or grab my hand or something but he doesn't. I grab the door knob and twist it, opening the door. Within seconds it was closed, Jonah's body pressed against it. He quickly lifted me up, which surprised me because I was definitely not light, taking me to the bed. I was confused as he laid me down and cuddled up to me.

"I'm sorry please don't be sad. I don't like it when you're sad. I love you." He says quietly, pulling me closer to him.

"I'm not sad, well I kind of am but that's besides the point. I'm worried about you. Why are you so upset?" I asks quietly. He doesn't look at me as he looks at my tummy.

"I didn't want you to know. I thought that maybe if you knew that you were the only boy I've ever loved you would get scared and leave me or something." He says quietly.

"I'd never leave you. I love you okay?" I say softly, pecking his head.

"I love you so much." He mumbles, kissing my collar bone. I smile softly at the boy, watching as his eyes closed. It wasn't long until mine slipped shut as well.

After maybe 20 or so minutes, the door opens, a soft chuckle being heard.

"They're asleep. Let's leave a note and let them be for a bit." His mom says, the door shutting soon after.

I shift uncomfortably, turning on my side so my belly was laying agains Jonah. I was almost at that point where it was uncomfortable and a risk for me to sleep on my back. I cuddle up to the brunette, slowly but surely falling deeper asleep.



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Hiya. My xplr merch was supposed to be delivered yesterday yet here I am.. merchless. My tattoo is healing a little, I'm a little less concerned about it.

Now back to Tour yea? Ok so y'all understand it's got some language. It's got a lot of smut, and y'all want it to be mpreg correct? If you're 13, or under please don't read. You don't need to be reading that kinda stuff. And yea. I think that's it. I need to make a cover and it should be up soon.

It is a Dorbyn book, all the other boys are straight, Tyler makes a reappearance. It'll be fun 😬

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