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I should have never told Jonah I was pregnant. He has been driving me nuts with his over protectiveness and I wasn't even showing. I still had half a month before I started to show and he's already preventing me from doing anything. He won't let me take showers unless I'm with him so I don't slip, only baths. He makes sure I'm not standing long, or that I'm not eating bad foods. It all sounds sweet, but all this is way too early. It's okay for him to do this, when I'm swollen to the size of a beach ball, not flat like a pancake. Though pancakes did sound good...

I get up from the couch and head into the kitchen to grab my wallet. Jonah walks in, his eyes landing in the item in my hand.

"Where are you going?" I slowly turn around, glancing at the boy.

"To get pancakes from I hop." I say. He frowns.

"I don't want you going out. You could get hurt." I immediately glare at him.

"Jonah I'm fine! I can go to a restaurant if I want to." I snap. Pregnancy hormones were definitely not helping my case. He glares right back, crossing his arms.

"Zach I don't want you risking anything." I was furious by the end of his sentence.

"You act like I'm being reckless! I'm going to get pancakes Jonah I'm not going sky diving!" I seethe. Jonah being the arrogant asshole he is, holds his ground.

"You're being ridiculous!" He fires back.

"Me? I'm being ridiculous? I'm not the one putting his boyfriend on house arrest just because he's pregnant!" I snap. I could feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, meaning my uber was here.

"Fine you wanna go out and be reckless? Then fucking go! And don't come back." He snaps. I angrily grab my jacket and open the door, looking at Jonah one last time.

"If you want to be out of this baby's life, consider your wish granted." I snap, slamming the door shut behind me. I storm down the stairs and out of the building as quick as possible, getting in the uber waiting for me.

I was tired of fighting with him. He always turns everything into an argument and I'm sick of it. I'm so fucking sick of it.

"Um sir where did you want to go?" I glance at the lady in the drivers seat. Guess I forgot to tell her huh.

"Can you drop me off at Denny's please?" I ask, the girl nodding.

"Sure which one?" I smile, knowing that if Jonah came looking he wouldn't find me.

"The farthest one you can find. Um in your range of course." She nods, immediately driving off. I glance out of the window, my smile dropping as realization hits. I don't have a home and my baby is going to be raised with one parent. I frown, looking at the wallpaper on my phone. It was of me and Jonah of course.

I wipe the angry tears that had started to spill before changing it to the sonogram picture. I didn't need him, I could do it myself. Right?

Soon I had gotten my pancakes and had done some shopping for my weekend stay. I had decided to just stay in a hotel for awhile, not knowing when I would be leaving. I had found a fairly nice and quaint hotel to stay in, one I knew Jonah wouldn't look for me in. Well if he even looked.

I was in my hotel room, some sweatpants, a long sleeve and some fuzzy socks on my body as I watched hallmark movies. It was such a wonderful relaxation period that was much needed. Though of course that's when Jonah decided to call me. I guess when he realized I wasn't coming back he realized his mistake.

I sigh, turning my phone on silent before relaxing on the bed. I grab my Starbucks from the nightstand beside me, taking a sip. Man, as much as I miss Jonah, I was really enjoying this whole independent thing.

"It's just you and me now little one." I say quietly, rubbing my tummy.


Hi ho the cheerio, I am broke as hell (: I bought my friend a Jonah cameo for Christmas and now I have no money's

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Hi ho the cheerio, I am broke as hell (: I bought my friend a Jonah cameo for Christmas and now I have no money's

Also this is update one of many 👀

Xoxo Daniels girl <3

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