1. Overhaul- Yellow Hearts

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• Genre & Warnings: Fluff, Slight angst, UA!High School• Tags: None• Summary: Chisaki falling in love with one of her fellow quirkless classmates

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Genre & Warnings: Fluff, Slight angst, UA!High School
Tags: None
Summary: Chisaki falling in love with one of her fellow quirkless classmates.


She put my name with yellow hearts, uh
Her favorite color like the stars
I didn't listen very hard, uh
When she told me she was crazy from the start

The sound of scribing was heard in the classroom, smiling brightly the female was proud of her work. Which was just simply the name of her crush with yellow hearts around his name. Who exactly? Well, none other than Chisaki Kai.

"Kai look!" She called his name out gaining his attention. The male turned around to her.

"What?" He responded back, glaring at her slightly. Only to sigh at seeing what was in her table. His name with yellow hearts around it.

"You like it? I tried harder drawing the hearts perfectly this time." She asked, smiling brightly at him causing his cheeks to redden. That damn smile always had an effect on him.

"Why yellow hearts?" He asked annoyed.

"Well... it's my favorite color and they're the same color as your eyes and well..." She smiled, resting her cheek on the palm of her cheek giving that look that no matter what made his heartbeat.

"A-and well what? Aren't you going to finish?" He asked frustrated.

• • •

The male tapped his fingers against his desk as he waited for her to text him. After you and him became friends you and him talked 24/7 and anytime you both could but at least when you could.

He couldn't bring himself to text you. I mean what was he going to talk about with you after all. But every time you and him weren't talking he just felt lonely without you. Shouldn't he be used to it by now.
Well, I guess not since when his phone suddenly rang he grabbed the phone.

| Hi Kai 💛

There you go with those damn yellow hearts but...

He felt his heart suddenly fill with warmth and happiness. What are you doing to him? He has never felt like this for a filthy woman before. But you weren't a filthy woman you were an Angel you weren't sick like the others. Maybe that's why he fell for you.

He wasn't going to deny now that he had fallen for you but what do those yellow hearts really mean to you. Were you just playing around with his feelings or did you feel something for him.

"Oh man!" Exclaimed a male. Kai looked behind him only to glare at Kurono who didn't even knock. Does he even have manners? He didn't even knock?! He thought.

"What? Don't you know to knock first? Hari." He growled at him sending him a glare. He gray arrow haired male raised his hands in defense.

"I did knock. But since you didn't answer I just came in. Pops told me to tell you to come and eat with us downstairs." He said turning around and starting to leave but stopped in the doorway." I recommend you to do research on what that means." He recommended him before exiting the room.

Leaving Kai in confusing starting at his phone screen but more importantly the yellow heart you sent him.

• • •

"Kai look what about now?!" She smiled brightly showing him the paper with his name in the middle with yellow hearts around his name. He thought they were all the same, to be honest, but after he searched the meaning that changed. But he wondered what they meant to you.

"We're not just friends Kai."

"What?!" He blinked a few times trying to proceed your words.
You sighed.

"I said they aren't just yellow hearts Kai. What been with you. You seem to be spacing out lately." She asked concerned. She noticed that in class he's been spacing out every time she glances at him.

"Do you thing I'm stupid (F/n)?" He suddenly frowning.

"Huh, what do you mean Kai?!" You asked nervously.

"Those damn yellow hearts!" He yelled causing you to widen your eyes.

So he finally noticed...huh

The only reason you showed him the drawings of his name with yellow hearts it's because you wanted him to take the hint plus yellow hearts mean friendship and the beginning in a relationship and you both did start being friends. But you wanted him to know you liked him so you didn't have to be embarrassed if he rejected you.

Have you only been playing games?
No, no

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