2. Chrono- Affection

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• Genre & Warnings: Fluff, Drabble, Romance(?)• Tags: none• Summary: Chrono comes from a mission and all he wants is your affection

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• Genre & Warnings: Fluff, Drabble, Romance(?)
• Tags: none
• Summary: Chrono comes from a mission and all he wants is your affection.


Looking back at the clock next to you on the nightstand for the twentieth time this night. Bring your attention back to your phone you sighed.

Chrono, your boyfriend was supposed to be back from his mission an hour ago. It's been two days since he went to accompanied Overhaul on the mission. Not that you minded, not at all...right?

You frowned, tapping your phone as you tapped on Chrono's contract, deciding whether to call him or not. Your fingers hovering over the 'call' button, biting your lip you decide not too. You didn't want to get him in trouble since he was in a mission and you didn't want, Mimic yelling at you later.

Throwing your phone behind you, landing on the bed you decide to take a bath even tho you had already taken one in the morning, but you needed something to do to take him off your mind.

Standing up you made your way to your shared bathroom. Even tho you took a bath already why not a second one plus what way to make time fly faster, turning the water, reaching your hand forwards the water you let your hand get wet.

"Good enough..." You muttered, bored.

Stripping out your clothes you grabbed your robe and covered yourself, walking out the bathroom your eyes widen. Chrono pulled his mask off wondering where you were he set in the nightstand.

You contained your giggles and sneaked towards him, wrapping your arm around him you pressed your cheek against his back in affection.

"Welcome home Kurono~" You giggled when you felt him shiver in your arms. No matter when his name would roll of your mouth he would melt in pure bliss every time. "Your late..." He hummed, turning around it was his turn wrapping his arms around you.

"Sorry, Kitten." Blushing, you buried your face in the crook of his neck, in inhaling your scent he felt relaxed in your arms.

Grabbing your chin, lifting it you could feel his warm breath against your lips, closing them you- Your eyes widen when the sound of water was heard, pushing you ran to the bathroom only to sigh in relief.

"You haven't taken a bath yet...?" He smirked when out the corner of his eye he saw your cheeks darken.

"I-I did this morning! But since you were taking so long and I missed you and...I was getting bored I decided to take a bath again to make time fly by faster." You muttered shyly. That's when he noticed you wearing the red velvet robe he bought you a few months ago.

It really did look good on you. It made your skin-pop more and it looked soft. Your hair up on a messy bun made it look lewd for some reason despite you were the innocents human been he met so far, and he liked that about you for some reason.

Maybe because he could take that innocent anytime he wanted, the thousand lewd thoughts soon banished from his mind when he heard you request something.

"You seem tense...want to join me?" You blushed, holding his hand, smirking he kissed your forehead.

"Sure kitten, be right back." He walked away, still staring where he walked off of you looked back at the bathtub, filled with water. You grabbed the bottle of bubbles Chrono bought you a few months ago and mixed in with the water creating blue bubbles.

• • •

Cupping his cheeks you giggled, leaving soft kisses on his face, as he rested his head on your chest, closing his eyes he felt in pure bliss for having you right here next to him was really a blessing. He signed.

"I love you."


"I said I love you." He repeated again burying his face even more in your chest. You were still on shock, to say the least. Chrono wasn't one to say those three words much so when he said it he meant it.

Pushing him off you, you got op of him, cheeks crimson, averting eyes away from his you pressed your lips against his, dry ones. Chrono's eyes widen, he sat there frozen before cupping your cheeks and deepening the kiss. Eyes closing, fingers in your hair, pulling you closer as his mouth entangled yours.

Pulling away you rested your forehead against him, trying to regain you breathe. You pressed a soft kiss on his wet lips.

"I love you too."

764 Words

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