3. Toya Setsuno- Embrace

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• Genre & Warnings: Fluff, drabble• Tags: none

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• Genre & Warnings: Fluff, drabble
• Tags: none

• Summary: Just you and Setsuno cuddling.


The sound of tapping could be heard in the small room. Setsuno kept tapping his foot waiting for you to come from a mission Overhaul had dragged you in the last minute. It had just been a few hours and he had already missed you.

Before you became his girlfriend he was a nervous wreck around you that Rappa and Nemoto actually noticed his feelings for you first that he did. He was in denial at first not wanting to experience what happened with his last girlfriend happened again.

And guess what! You both are together thanks to Nemoto and Chrono! How? Well let just say the bird to the other bird and they were done seeing both of y'all acting like high school kids in love so...they helped yay! But after you guys started dating he didn't act shy and cute.

I mean yeah he did but he wasn't hiding how much he loved...not like some other bird bastard *cough* Overhaul *cough* huh?! What?!

Anyways he was waiting for you to come back and he was surprised that you accepted to date him. But he was happy you gave him a chance. Every time he was around you be felt happy around you. Very different from his last girlfriend that left him a big debt of money and left him for another rich guy.

He actually started buys you or more like stealing expensive things for you, afraid you might leave him for someone else. But you reassured him that you loved him and that you would never leave him for someone else.

That reassured him a bit. But he still had his doubts here and there but could you blame him? No, not really. Anyways once he heard the door creak he turned to it seeing you walk in tired but without any injuries.

You smiled tiredly at him before making your way towards him, running your hand down his hair, leaving his forehead exposed you leaned in and kissed it. He closed his eyes relishing the warmth of your lips on his forehead.

"Hi Toya, miss me?" You gave him an eye closed smiled causing his heart to fill with warmth and love for you. He opens his eyes and nodded shyly before looking down at the floor, hiding the blush on his cheeks. You smiled warmly at him before walking away.

He shot his head up when he heard you walking away thinking he might have upset you for not looking at you when you were talking to him. "W-Wait were are y-you going?!" He reached his hand towards you.

"Huh? Oh, im going to take a shower. Im all sweaty and dirty from the mission. We can cuddle after I finish if you want?" You smiled. His eyes widen before nodding his head. You turned smirked when an idea popped in your head. "Do you want to join me, Toya?"

His cheeks erupted red once you asked that. He gulped before turning to you and shaking his head. He had already taken a shower after you left for the mission. "I...I already took a shower, sorry." He apologised shutting his eyes closed expecting to be yelled.

But to his surprise, he felt your fingertips following his jawline. You caress his cheek lovingly, before muttering. "Open your eyes, Toya." He took a deep breath before opening them to see your face really close to his.

You brushed your nose against his. Before giggling at his reaction. "Your so cute." You breathed out causing his cheeks to redden even more.

"Can we cuddle now, please?" He asked, closing his eyes, leaning more to your touch. He wanted more than you just caressing his cheek and calling him cute. He wanted to be with you in bed in your arms.

You smiled at his request. You looked back at the bathroom door and back at Toya deciding whether or not to take a bath or cuddle with him now. You sighed and patted his head, opening his eyes you grabbed his hand, guiding him to bed.

"Sure let me just change clothes, ok?" He nodded, as you quickly walked towards the closet and changed into and a small top and shorts. Setsuno gripped the sheets of the bed as just thinking of you and him in bed together cuddling.

You sat on the opposite side on the bed and crawled to him. "Come on Toya." You patted next to you. Wasting no time he clung to you waiting for you to wrap your arms around him which you did soon enough.

"Cute your trembling, Toya." You giggled, as he trembled in your touch. He wasn't scared he was just happy to be this close to you.

"(Y/n) - "

You pressed your lips against his warm once, pulling away, you played with his hair while he buried his face in your chest. "Shhh just enjoy." You whispered in his ear feeling him shiver you pulled the cover over both of you, covering you both.

861 Words

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