6. Chrono- Attention

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• Genre & Warning: Romance, smut, drabble,
• Tags: intercourse, Idk just smut
• Summary: You want your boyfriend to give you attention.


Seating on the white couch in your boyfriend's office you, watched him with knitted brows. He was currently typing on his computer trying to finish a few papers Overhaul and Mimic had given him, and they were due tomorrow.

You sat with your arms crossed as you watched him, trying to give him the hint that you wanted his attention. He hadn't even glanced at you not even once the whole damn day and you were growing impatient.

You understand that work was important the moment you decided to get into this relationship with Chrono. But sometimes he could let his work aside to give you a bit of attention here and there. It wasn't too much to ask for much after all.

You rested your cheek against the palm of your had and I've served him. A small sigh left your lips as an idea popped in your head, looking away you stood up and, made your way towards the door to only lock it. You know just in case. We don't want Mimic and Overhaul to interrupt your little plan.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing-" You looked up at his dark grey eyes, smirking you sat in his lap, one of your legs at each side of the chair.

"Continue doing your work, don't mind me." You muttered nonchalantly, his breath hitched once he felt your pair of lips in his neck, slowly nipping his skin.

But nonetheless, he got back to work, typing in his computer in front of him, trying to enjoy the feeling of your lips nipping his skip, softy and slow. You licked the mark you had created in his neck, smirking you went to the other side, nipping of his pale soft skip.

You could feel his shaft pressed against your entrance once you started grinding on him. Chrono groaned at the friction of you clothed sex and his rubbing together. He stopped typing and went to take a grip on your hips.

You stopped grinding on him. Stareing him straight in his eyes "No, finish your work." You commanded him, grabbing both of his hands and put them on the table. "If you don't finish. Overhaul will be upset, Hari~" You whispered in his ear, earning a shiver from him.

He didn't think that you would be this upset, by him not giving you the attention you wanted. He did ignore you on purpose to see what you would do but this is now torturing the man. The man wanted to throw you to the couch and fuck you rough and senseless.

You once again resumed to laying gentle wet kisses on his jaw trailing them down to his neck, still grinding on his clothed shaft. You could feel his hardening cock, pressing against your entrance. Getting up you cupped his cheek with one of your hands, trailing it down to his chest.

"Did I ever told you how hot you look with your raincoat, Hari?" You asked playing with the zipper of his raincoat before starting to pull it down slowly.

"No, like what you see kitten." He purred against your ear, licking your lip, you smirked.

"Very much." You said breathlessly, pressing your lips against his, cupping his face, you depend the kiss. Your tongue exploring his sweet warm cave, tongues dancing together as he trails his hands to your ass, groping it, squeezing and massaging it.

"Fuck, I need you (Y/n), please." All you can do is nod, pussy throbbing as he reaches between your bodies. Unzipping his pants, you hover a bit over him as he lets his head press against your entrance.

You bit your lip, wanting to push it inside you. But you had remembered what was your mission. You knitted your brows, biting your lip as you thrust his member between your wet folds.

Hari groaned, taking a grip on your hips. He knew what you were doing, and if you kept on doing it he wouldn't be able to hold back. That's until you buried your face on his neck, rubbing your nose against the crook of his neck.

"H-Hari..." You breathed. "I love you~" You moaned softly against his ear. And that was it. He let huff as he stood up from his chair, he took a grip of your legs as he walked to the couch in the back of his office. "H-Hari?" You whimpered.

A smirked formed in his lips, as he hovered on your entrance. Licking his lips he cupped your cheeks. You let a few whimpers as he pressed a light wet kiss on your lips.

"Get ready, Kitten." He laid his hands on your thighs. "Cus' your mine the whole night." He purred.


I just wanted to write for hari...this sucks I might edit it but I have other books to write. I'm thinking of doing a book for Chrono but it might be really short. Idk tbh.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2020 ⏰

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