Introduction of Sorts.

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*insert Louis Tomlinson as a cat*
Well, well, well.

Oh dear God, I can't believe I'm doing this. Again. LMAO.

Anywho, this novel is completely finished and I'm posting it in its entirety, but it's unedited, so be kind, please, but don't hesitate to inform me of any mistakes, since there will surely be many.

Also, this is not my first story on Wattpad, it is my second. My first is a short, dialogue story. This one novel-length (ooh, spicy). So, if you came from that one, know that means there will be differences! Less dialogue, more description. A different style and different length.

Despite this not being my first story, it is my first novel. I've never truly attempted writing a novel before, and what does that mean? That means I'm an amateur

There is absolutely no way to improve without knowing which things you need to work on, and the goal is always to improve, so please tell me where I should improve. Whether it be the smallest of grammar mistakes, a missing period or a misspelled word, or something that just doesn't flow well or make sense,  t e l l   m e.

This wonderful cover was made by elysian_writes the absolute best! <3

I would like to disclaim that, there is a character with OCD in this book! OCD is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, which is an anxiety disorder, characterized by obsessions and compulsions. Please be aware of three things.

One, OCD is not always what you see in media, people who wash their hands repeatedly and have a phobia of germs, there are different types.

Two, I am not a therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist, or any of the ists! This is not an informative piece of writing, it is a fictional one, so for any mistakes in regards to OCD, I apologize, and do not claim to be teaching or preaching the proper way to portray OCD. Nor do I have OCD, so my portrayal, again, will not be perfect.

Three, a character with OCD is my pitiful attempt at a little bit of diversity (and that's the diversi-tea, sis), but it is not the main theme of main idea of this book, and you will therefore see it pop up more in some scenes and less in others, but that doesn't mean I forgot about it, it simply means it isn't what I am attempting to focus on.

I would also like to mention that some aspects of this story will be cheesy or cliche. That does not mean the whole story will be, I should hope that there is a good amount of originality as well, but I will again use the excuse of... I'VE NEVER TRIED TO WRITE A BOOK BEFORE, LEAVE ME ALONE.

It is also important to note that under no circumstances may you copy this, the idea or the prose itself.

The second any piece of original writing is put down into a physical medium, whether it be a piece of paper, in a laptop, or on a wisteria petal, it is protected under copyright laws.

Stealing someone's creative and intellectual property is the same as stealing someone's physical property. The same way you wouldn't steal someone's phone, don't steal my work.

Not that you'd want to, lmao.

(Bruh, imagine the embarrassment if I just typed up 600 words for an introduction and no one is actually reading this, LMAOAOO.)

Thank you, to whomever's reading this, for clicking on this story, you truly have no idea what it means to me that you'd give my writing a chance.

Thank you to scarlet_paradise for listening to every good idea I had and every bad one and for all the listening to my dumb rants over how I wanted the story to go and the themes I wanted to achieve. <3

And thank you to ASpoonfulOfSugar- who continuously encourages me. You were a huge reason why I decided to post the book once I finished it. <3

Happy reading. x

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