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I think you all know where this is going, but hey I had an idea and this is what happens. 

May Maple just needed a break, she'd done about 4 contests within the past two weeks and she was stressed out. She'd won 3 of those sure, but still, she needed to rest and no way could she get that done at home. Her brother Max had his best friend and secret crush, Bonnie, at the house all day and it was torture for May to watch them, not to mention they were loud. (A/N: I'm not a 4th wheel shipper, but I'm using them so I can add a slight moment of humor later) So May was sitting on a bench in Petalburg park, listening to the sounds of the birds chirp. She noticed some flowers nearby and picked one, it reminded her of her crush, rival, and friend Drew Hayden.

"May?" Someone asked. May looked around and saw Clemont, Bonnie's older brother, standing there. "Do you know where Bonnie went? I can't find her anywhere." Clemont informed her. May told him that Max and Bonnie were hanging out at her house. Clemont's face had an evil grin all of a sudden and he thanked May. However, Bonnie and Max were just walking out as Clemont approached it. May watched as she had a funny feeling about what was about to happen. "Hey Bonnie, see that guy?" Clemont asked. "Uh, yeah?" Bonnie replied getting suspicious. "He's a keeper." Clemont told her as he winked. "HEY!" Bonnie yelled as she shoved Clemont. May laughed, but as she did she felt something in her hair. She saw felt it and recognized it as a rose. May turned around and saw Drew standing there with a smirk.

"Hey, June." Drew teased her, May wasn't having any of it. "If you've come here to tease me then just go away, I'm not in the mood today. I'm just a little stressed out." May replied matter of factly. "Aw, is April frustrated?" Drew continued. "GO AWAY DREW!" May yelled at him as she ran for the forest. Drew realized right there he had made a mistake, teasing her wasn't the best idea for today. However, Drew needed to talk to May about something today, Brianna had been spreading some mean rumors about May, and Drew was having none of it. He had to make sure he told May about his feelings before Brianna's rumors overwhelmed her. So Drew ran off to find her.

May sat by a tree, "Drew Hayden may be about as dense as Ash." She said to herself. However, she didn't know that Drew had followed her and eventually found her. "May, I'm sorry about what I said earlier, I didn't know how stressed you were, but I need to talk to you about something," Drew said nervously. "Fine, but if you tease me, I'm leaving," May said. Drew knew better than to take his chances. "Brianna's been saying some awful stuff about you as of late, and I'm here to tell you that none of what she's been saying is true," Drew informed her. "The same Brianna who's been obsessed with you?" May asked to make sure they were on the same page. "Yep, she's been spreading rumors about you and Ash dating, which I know isn't true since he's dating Misty, but she's been saying she doesn't know how Ash puts up with a little b****, implying you." May was shocked as Drew informed her of these things, why would Brianna say this? Drew continued, "She's also said that you're not even that good of a coordinator and that you only have those ribbons because people feel sorry for you, that I don't even consider you a true rival, that you're not even pretty." May started to cry, She'd never been mean to Brianna, so why?

Drew noticed May's tears and let his heart pour out, "First of all, you're not a b****, you've lost contests against me and Solidad, and you've accepted those losses and come back stronger. Also, you're an amazing coordinator, I consider you as one of my only two rivals the other one being Solidad. You've won the Sinnoh grand contest for heaven's sake and you beat Dawn to do it. Brianna's said that she thinks Dawn is one of the best coordinators out there and you beat her! Also, I believe you're as pretty as a rose May, Brianna's got no logic in anything she's said about you, only jealousy." After he finished, Drew thought to himself "And she's jealous because I love you." May smiled and without warning leaned in really close to Drew. Drew was shocked as May teased him by not closing the space any further. After about a minute, May whispered: "Thank you for your words Drew, and I love you too." Finally, May closed the distance between them as she placed her lips on Drew's. Drew was shocked at first but lets his instincts take over as their lips moved in perfect sync, both of them loving every moment. After about 2 minutes they both stopped for air and Drew asked: "Did I say that I loved you, I was thinking it, yes, but I didn't mean to say it." May smiled then responded, "Then say it to me on purpose, not accident." Drew pulled out a rose and then said: "May my little rose, I love you!" May blushed as red as a rose, flattered by his words. As soon as he tied the rose in her hair, May kissed him again. Brianna would be sooo jealous if she saw this, but May and Drew finally had what they wanted!

Wow, nearly 1k words on this? Let me know how bad this is in the comments! JK pls tell me this is actually pretty good!

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