Steal my girl (Songfic)

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Yay, another songfic. Keep in mind I need to preface this with a couple of notes about the anime. The final episode of Advanced (Hoenn) came out in September of 2005, therefore from my knowledge, it's safe to assume that May left for Johto with Drew somewhere in 2005. I'm aware the advanced anime came out in 2002, but for the purposes of an AU, I can assume that Drew and May began dating in 2005 in this case. Also for the purposes of this AU, Drew and May are now born in 1989, which would make them 16 in 2005. SUE ME! Anyways on to the actual fic. Lyrics are from "Steal my Girl" by One Direction.

Drew and May were at the grand coordinator party in Hoenn and they were happy. Neither of them had won, but they didn't care, they had been together for 15 years and married for 10. So they were celebrating that for a while as well. However, their relationship had some hurdles, see not everyone here was here as a coordinator as some people were Drew's fangirls or May's fanboys and neither of them could get rid of their unwanted suitors even though they were married. "Shows you how obsessed some people are at times" May stated with sass in her voice. "Yeah, but I think it's time I deal with your fanboys for now." Drew stated with a smirk. May wanted to see where this was going as Drew got up on stage requesting to sing a song.

Drew was a pretty good singer, not as good as May but still pretty good. Everyone had their eyes on Drew to see what he was going to do. It was karaoke time and Drew was rarely one to start something like this. "So I just want to say that I'm singing this song to describe my wife of 10 years, May Hayden. So I just hope I can sing this well." Drew said and everyone laughed at his final statement but they all awwed at his first. May started to blush as she heard the first note, immediately recognizing it. It was May and Drew's song that they would always sing out loud when it came on, everyone had that song, and this was theirs.

She be my queen Since we were sixteen, We want the same things, We dream the same dreams
Alright, alright
I got it all 'Cause she is the one Her mum calls me love Her dad calls me son
Alright, alright
I know, I know, I know for sureEverybody wanna steal my girl Everybody wanna take her heart away Couple billion in the whole wide world Find another one 'cause she belongs to me.Everybody wanna steal my girl Everybody wanna take her heart away Couple billion in the whole wide world, Find another one 'cause she belongs to me.

May was dancing on her own, she was the center of attention as Drew could only smile as he saw her, She looked absolutely gorgeous but Drew kept his eye on her fanboys who were eyeing her. Drew'd had enough of that, he suddenly grabbed the mic and ran out to meet May on the dancefloor, he grabbed her hand and pulled her on to the stage.

Kisses like cream, Her walk is so mean, And every jaw drop When she's in those jeans
Alright, alright
I don't exist If I don't have her, The sun doesn't shine, The world doesn't turn
Alright, alright
But I know, I know, I know for sure

Everybody wanna steal my girl, Everybody wanna take her heart away, Couple billion in the whole wide world, Find another one 'cause she belongs to me. Everybody wanna steal my girl Everybody wanna take her heart away Couple billion in the whole wide world Find another one 'cause she belongs to me.

May was being serenaded, but she loved it. Drew could only smile at the enjoyment on his wife's face. Some of May's fanboys were upset though, but May and Drew could care less as Drew began to twirl May on his finger. May giggled as she spun, she loved these moments then she took Drew by surprise by spinning him. Drew smiled as she did, he and May did this stuff all the time and they were perfectly happy showing it off in front of people. Drew began to sing the final verse.

She knows, she knows, that I never let her down before
She knows, she knows, that I'm never gonna let another take her love from me now
Everybody wants to steal my girl, Everybody wants to take her love away, Couple billion in the whole wide world, Find another one 'cause she belongs to me.Everybody wanna steal my girl, Everybody wanna take her heart away, Couple billion in the whole wide world, Find another one 'cause she belongs to me.

The rest of the party began to sing the na's and Drew led May to the dance floor and the two just danced for a moment. Suddenly Drew had a mischevious smirk and has the final lyrics were sung by the audience, Drew dipped May. May smiled and leaned up to kiss Drew, to which he happily obliged as he pulled May back up. They were perfectly happy right there, lips embracing each others' until they finally pulled away. "MAY I LOVE YOU! BREAK UP WITH HIM!" Someone yelled suddenly, but May and Drew already had an answer ready. "Find another one!" May yelled and then Drew added on: "She belongs with me." May and Drew smiled at one another, they had the telepathy of an espur with one another. They could basically talk with just a look in their eyes. They knew that they belonged with one another, and that was something that would never change. "Ain't nobody gonna steal my girl." Drew whispered in May's ear, May just giggled at Drew's words. "No one will steal your girl." May whispered back, then as someone else began to sing a love song, they began to dance together. They'd been together for 15 years, but they know they have at least another 30 years together.

EEEEEK! I love this song and I love this ship! I've also got $10 saying that either Magic Exists will want to use this in her oneshot book or Amornya will internally fangirl as well as squeal. You all owe me $10 now, just Venmo me.

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