Chapter Four: Impasse

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We eventually made our way back to the station. Olivia and Sophia were now alerted by our sweaty faced, fell-into-a-bush appearance. "What the hell happened to you guys?" Sophia asks, half amused. We all sit in a circle on the station's floor and tell them about the boys. "Do you guys think, maybe we should try to talk to them? What if they could help us?" Olivia suggested.

"But what if they have malicious intent? We don't know them, this is the apocalypse everyone's out for themselves" I say.

"It was so scary, Rina made eye-contact with one and we got the hell up outta there" Eve giggles.

"It's not funny Eve! They've seen us now, we're only an hour and a half journey away from them they could easily track us down if they wanted. We're in a ranger's station, that's the exact location they'd look first because what idiots would sleep outside in the wilderness when there's a station?" I explain irritatedly.

"It looks like they're probably going to find us if they look. So what now? Stay and make contact or leave?" Olivia asks fidgeting nervously.

"What do you all think?" I ask. "I think we should stay here, and if they do find us and try to put us in danger that's when we go ape. But if they find us and try to communicate peacefully I think we should hear them out" Sophia says. I look around at the three other girls and watch in horror as they all nod in agreement.

All I know is I have this weird pull at the bottom of my stomach telling me trouble is ahead. We all share some sort of canned food. I can't help but feel guilty as I eat the food. No I need this food, I don't know when I'll be able to eat again. I close my eyes and force myself to finish. "Tomorrow if we're not killed in our sleep by those boys we'll go look for food?" I say blankly. "Rina!" Eve shouts "What?" I shrug. "Don't say that" I simply roll my eyes.

We need to try and fish at that Lake if Sammy is to survive, it pisses me off, there's no way we'll be able to get Sammy food if those boys are still at those cabins. They'd definitely see us plus we don't have the proper equipment for that, I'm sure they would. It's a camp for God's sake I bet they have fishing gear. It's decided I'm going to rob them for the sake of my cat, I want to face-palm myself right now but decide not to and drift off into my sleep land.


We all wake up, surprisingly Sophia wakes up first. I think back to the plan I made in my mind last night, I would spy on those boys and infiltrate their sports center, ransack it and get out. I wondered if I should tell the girls or keep them oblivious and do the deed myself. "Guys," I say softly. "I-I'm going back to the lake". "Why!" Eve exclaims. "It's a camp, right? Sammy is running out of food, I'm positive they have fishing equipment. All I need to do is sneak it, steal it and get out. No one needs to go with me, I know this is dangerous. I'll go myself." I say.

It sounds so irrational, all for a fluffy little cat. I just can't let him die, he's been with me through everything. "I'll come with you, Olivia and Sophia can try and search for food" Eve smiles. I look over at Olivia and Sophia worriedly "Do you guys know what to look for?" I ask. "Yup, berries, mushrooms, and hunt any rabbits we see," Olivia says. "Okay, I really appreciate this, good luck. Let's get going then?" I say to Eve. She nods and we make the painful hour and thirty minutes down the Lake.

After taking a few breaks we reached the lake and camp. Making sure to go around the cabins we go for the largest building at the camp. I look inside. Shit. It's the dining hall. We check the next large building and we find it "bingo!" I whisper. "I'll go to the dining hall and try to find food. I'll meet you back here" Eve says.

I nod and look around at my surroundings before heading in through the door. The cabin was a basic wooden log one, it has a strange smell. But then again now everything has a strange smell, there were bikes on racks lined up in ordered rows, random childhood games, bows, and arrows. Hmm... This would be very useful to have for hunting.

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