Chapter Eleven: The Ship

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Liam is right, she doesn't make it. We had to try and paddle to get away from the zombies which were swarming around the bay, Sophia jumped into the water to try and escape. The zombies hoard around her and grab her causing her to be pushed under the water.

She keeps clawing her way up to the surface trying to capture air. Her screams soon fill my ears as the zombies have started gnawing away at her tender flesh.

"SOPHIA! SOPHIA!" I hear Olivia sob trying to climb out of the boat to reach her. Liam quickly pulls her back and hugs her tightly shielding her from the sight in front of her.

The screams eventually surpass but still echo sadistically in my ears, the water is stained red with Sophia's blood. From the distance, you can still hear the tearing of flesh and cracking of Sophia's bones.

We are still casually drifting closer to the ship by Seungmin's consistent and concise paddling. "I can't do this anymore, I've seen too many people I love die. Please, I can't do it anymore!" Eve screams, grabbing her tear-soaked hair.

She reaches to grab my knife, "No! Eve please I can't lose you too. We need you to stop, we just lost Sophia. We need you" I beg her.

Olivia sits catatonic, staring at the bloody water, tears threatening to escape her eyes. Olivia moves near us and we all just hug each other silently sobbing.

"I love her.." Olivia breathes out, "I know. We all did" I smile while tears keep pouring down my face. "She loved you too" I reassured her. I look back at the water and feel disgusted so much so I have to vomit at the side of the boat. I suddenly start feeling dizzy. The world around me goes black.

I remember everything about her, her beautiful dark skin and light airy hair. Sophia always loved Olivia, even though she would never admit it. All those boys she dated never made her happy, it was just a way for her to fill a void in herself. she was too young, she broke her promise she promised we'd be friends until the end. Well, it's the end and she isn't here.

I feel light as if I have no care in the world, I feel my eyes are heavy, I slowly peel them open. Everything is bright and white. I try to sit up but feel so tired. Eventually, I muster up the strength to sit up and observe my surroundings. I am in some sort of clinic or hospital facility.

There are plugs in my arm and I'm dressed in a hospital gown. I start to panic now. Where am I? Where's Seungmin, Eve, Olivia, Liam and Sophia? Oh, wait... Sophia...

I slowly stand up as my legs wobble and give way, collapsing on the floor. I pull myself up, I look up at myself in a mirror on the wall.

The reflection staring back at me is completely night and day compared to the last time I had seen myself. Before I looked sickly, my eyes and cheeks sunken in unhealthily looking. Now my eyes still look slightly tired but are brighter and shining. My cheeks have filled in nicely while I kept my sharp cheekbones.

I look like my older self before my eating disorder. I was still quite slim otherwise so I hadn't gained a copious amount of weight but I have gained a significant amount.

I see papers next to my bed and pick them up. They contain my name and age, "Servery malnourished - patient seems to have been starving themselves for a long period of time. Patient seems to have suffered from restrictive eating disorder - symptoms include unhealthy weight loss..."

I turn the door handle on a door and walk down a narrow hall. I turn in multiple directions turning and twisting. My body seems to have gotten more used to walking again so my pace picks up.

"Excuse me Miss" I hear and turn around to look at a tall man dressed in some sort of policing uniform, "you shouldn't be out of your medical bed. I'll escort you back now" He offers sternly.

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