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* alarm going off*

Even after all these years the sound of that alarms still bugs me, it never gets any easier getting up at 3 am I stretch my arms above my head.

And walk to the bathroom to do my morning routine. I quickly shower. I stand under the cascade shower head just letting the water decompress my tense muscles.

I finish up throw on some clothes kiss Benji and head to my driver waiting for me downstairs.

My dressing room is the same as I left it on friday.

There's a knock on the door.

" amazing speech. The other night" my makeup artist says as she walks into the room.

Thank you I appreciate all the support I've gotten if only everyone knew how fast I through that together I'm just glad it didn't sounds like a bunch of gibberish. But also the journalist in me was never gonna let me go in unprepared I got lucky that my words could translate to part so easily that night.

* another knock on the door*

Bradley pov

Hey good morning everyone,

"Well well you're cheerful this Monday morning aren't you Ms Jackson ?"

Alex says in her semi sarcastic tone

Well of course it's Monday the sun is shining the start of a brand new week, endless opportunities and
And coffee I'm riled up.

" never met anyone so excited at the butt crack of dawn on a Monday morning before you "

Well stick around Al because either me you didn't even need your morning coffee I'll get you right up and ready for the day

" as incredible as that sounds little miss sunshine I think I will still need my cup of coffee every morning but I do appreciate your happy go lucky attitude"

Well thank you very much back at home this is the time I'd be up with mom helping her gather the eggs from the chicken coop.

But I was actually just coming in real quick wondering if you wouldn't mind talking for a little while after the show? Is that okay?

"Oh oh that can't be good ,Is everything alright what did I do now?"

You're fine you did nothing wrong I just feel like Friday night we left things a little short just wanted to continue that conversation if we could.

" oh I mean I thought the conversation ended fine didn't know there was more you wanted to talk about, but yeah you can just meet me right back here after the show ends if you'd like"

Perfect. Yeah absolutely I will be here as soon as I can after the show. Thanks Al.

I leave the dressing room with a smirk on my face. And walk towards the main desk in the studio.

Alex finishes reading over the script and then walks out to the studio herself about 15 mins later

The cameras position themselves 3..2..1

Good morning I'm Alex levy and I'm Bradley Jackson and here are today's top stories.

                              -2 hours later-
"And we're out" great job you guys, the Jim and Pete Lenny and Marie our amazing camera crew say as we walk off the set.

Right back at y'all you're the best as always

I head toward my dressing room to put some things away and give it a few minutes before I head to see Alex again.

~ 5 mins later~

Hey is now a good time?

" as good as a time as ever, come in Brad"
You're scaring me a little you just keep looking and smiling at me what's wrong"

Why does there have to be something wrong? Nothings wrong Al I promise, it's just I was truly inspired and blown away by your speech the other night. You know it takes a lot to leave me speechless as you know but the other night I was at a loss for words.

It struck a cord with me I don't know how to explain it I guess it was just the first time out in public where I have seen you be so vulnerable. Ofc I saw you on air when we exposed everyone but this was different this was a stronger more confident version of you if that is even possible.

I have to admit I didn't know what to expect that night I didn't really want to be there either but I'm so glad chip begged me to go hahaha.

Just wanted you to know how true my feelings for that speech were. I was just hyping you up the other night I meant and mean every word I have said.

" Bradley thank you truly that does mean a lot, I didn't think I had it in me that night , but I knew it wasn't fair to everyone in that room if I don't at least try. I'm so glad I did I'm so glad it resonated with everyone including you."
" I don't do it for the praise you know this I do it because the truth is all we have In This world I want those young journalist to soak it all in because they deserve that at the very least." " That and I couldn't let this show down again and in that aspect I owed it to you too so thank you for believing in me and showing up that night as well"

Always Alex I'll never miss another speech if your again. I've always know you had it in you can't believe I almost skipped over that night

" you and me both"

You still got it Al never lose this love for this career no matter how messy and complicated it is your damn good at this job and you deserve your place here.

" you too Brad I'm really glad I made that impromptu decision and picked you to be my partner albeit the circumstances could have been better I'm sorry I thrusted you Into this role so abruptly"

" for the most part you've handled it like a pro"

I can feel my face starting to get warm
An Alex levy compliment to me? I must be dreaming

" oh you hush because I could say the same thing"

Haha I guess you're right.... It's mind boggling to see how much we've grown together I'm proud of us Al.

Alex flashes a small smile.
" so am I"

Hey thanks for not biting my head off levy I appreciate it I'll let you get back to your unwinding after the show.

I say with a little wink and a smile

" it was hard but I composed myself.. I wink right back at Bradley, but thanks again Bradley seriously I may not show it but it's nice to hear positive feedback from everyone,

Well you did great, stop doubting yourself you're Alex f... levy a legend in this field you deserve the recognition and respect.

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