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Bradley walks through the elevator and sees the craft cart where she grabs a bagel and makes herself some coffee.

As I walk toward the dressing room I can't help but smile Honestly things between Alex and I have been really good lately we've been working well together and our friendship has definitely started to take off.

One thing I've definitely noticed is that we're so similar Alex and I have like the same personality at times we're very strong willed and don't like to be wrong which is why we bumped heads in the past but what's good about that now is that we have a new found respect for one another after getting to form a closer bond and communicating with each other.

              ~~~~~~~2 hours later~~~~~~~~
Bradley thinks to herself while sitting in her dressing room after a show.

Alex has already left she told me she had a lot to do so later I'll go over there and run some new story ideas by her a little later.

Hopefully she won't mind that I drop in uninvited... I've been doing that a lot more recently. For good reasons of course.

I definitely over ate last night so I head to the gym to run on the treadmill and clear my mind.

As soon as I'm done running, I grab my phone to text Bradley a running girl emoji, but I'm interrupted when I see a text from chip instead.

Message: Hey Alex listen I know you've been telling me recently to try to get you this contract signed and everything but they are not budging don't worry I'm not going to stop until I get this for you.

I call him right away.

Although chip knows that they don't want Alex they really want to get rid of her even with Fred not there and Cory on her side now the new bosses still feel like they want a new duo a new face but they need her now and chip knows very well that they need her forever. She's the heart of the show.

I'm sick and tired of these guys not wanting to push and get my contract done why are they stalling and not agreeing to it? I need to be able to know that I'm taken care of and they trust me chip please I need you to get this done.

"I know Alex I know"
chip can tell the desperation and worry in Alex voice he wants to help her but he knows it's almost impossible for this contract to actually be accepted but he's going to do it for her because he knows how important and special she is.

"Don't worry I'm going to keep working till we get something done I promise."

Ok chip I have to go shower I'll talk to you later
I hang up my phone and Toss it on my bed

I'm so tired of this network thinking they can push me around and I'll just be okay with it. They don't take me serious and I'm fed up.

I walk towards my shower in hopes it can wash off all this frustration and anger I have on me.

Bradley pov:

The elevator dings as I step into Alex's apartment... 

Alex , you here? I call out
I go towards her room to check for her I know she was running earlier bc she texted me I wonder if she went out for a bite to eat.

I go into the bedroom really quickly to look for her.

Alex is walking into her room dripping wet and half naked.

"Bradley!!! Oh fuck what are you.... Doing!?!"

Alex oh my goodness I'm so sorry I came over to run some things by you I had no idea you'd be in the shower when I'd walk in I shouted for you when I first walked in and when I didn't hear an answer I thought I come search for you just in case.

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