You've Stolen my ambition, my drive and my love to create. exciting thoughts of what I could accomplish make analyze my feelings and I think oh crap what if its you.

I was introduced to you at 17 years old. When I met you I didn't like you I even tried to fight you. I wasn't myself there were no more thrills. Felt Sluggish and tired with a thin layer of cotton wrapped round my brain. Damaged goods, is what I became.

I grew up and moved away started my life and you weren't on my mind. I fought through when your skewed way of thinking would make since to me. I bought into the lies you pumped into me. I got stronger though and fought you once again.

I tuned in close and learned your tricks and fought you off for the win.Now I recognize when your around. I know what your capable of making me think and do so I keep my distance and take only what I need from you.

You can be dangerous if I get to close to you. We play this game of chess and I've got my strategy down. Oh by the way checkmate I see you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2020 ⏰

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