date ♡ markjin pt. 2

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it was friday evening. mark had just got home from school, throwing his bag on the floor by the door and rushing to his room to go get ready. he knew he had time but he wanted to make sure he looked good for jinyoung since it was their first date.

he was excited but very nervous. the butterflies wouldn't stop going crazy in his stomach, a small smile on his face all day. he flirted with jinyoung and told him not to wear anything to fancy since he'd be taking him to a cute restaurant that he had found one night while taking a walk. it wasnt very popular but it had amazing food and mark loved it.

the first thing mark did was take another shower. could never be too clean right? he was in and out, his red hair sticking to his forehead as he wrapped a towel around his waist. the boy nearly had a heart attack as he saw jackson and bambam sitting on his bed. he jumped, his towel almost falling from his waist.

"oh my fucking god, what are you guys doing here?!" mark exclaimed, a hand held up to his racing heart. bambam laughed and jackson only smiled at the elder. "we're going to help you get ready! you need to look hot for jinyoung so you guys can fu-"

"woah woah, its the first date, that's the last thing on my mind.." mark said, his cheeks turning red and he walked to his drawer and pulled out some underwear and clothes.

"it's still on your mind though." jackson winked. mark rolled his eyes, turning around and dropping his towel, the other two groaning and closing their eyes to prevent themself from seeing more than mark's ass. mark slipped his underwear on along with some jeans.

"anyway bam, pick out a shirt for mark while I do his makeup." Jackson ordered, the younger going to marks closet to figure out what would look the best on mark. Mark's eyes widened. "makeup?"

"duh. not a lot, just some stuff to make you look extra sexy. now sit." Jackson said, patting the spot next to him as he took out a bag mark didnt even know the younger had. mark was hesitant, not really fond of the idea of wearing makeup. he eventually gave in after a few seconds and sat down in front of Jackson.

jackson had done some light makeup to make mark look even more perfect than he already was. it had taken about 20 minutes before jackson was done and bam had finally found a shirt at the same time as well.

"done!" Jackson said excitedly, handing mark a mirror. mark was shocked, he looked good. he had some light pink eyeshadow along with eyeliner on his lids. he had on a clear gloss, making his lips looks more desirable. and to top it all off jackson added the littlest bit of blush on Mark's cheeks. he looked stunning.

"wow... thank you jacks." mark said, a smile on his face. before they could continue talking, bam gasped.

"its 5:34! put this on and go get jinyoung hyung!" bambam yelled, throwing the shirt at mark. mark immediately slipped it on and stood up, grabbing his things quickly.

"thank you guys! I love you!" mark shouted from the hallway, running to the front door quickly.

"have fun but dont do anything I wouldn't do!" mark rolled his eyes at jacksons words before dashing out the door and to his car. he got inside and started it, heading to jinyoungs house quickly (but responsibly).

it was exactly 6pm when mark got there, jinyoung walked out of his house right as mark pulled up. mark got out and smiled at jinyoung, the boy doing the same in return as he now stood in front of mark.

"you look... stunning. as usual jinyoungie." jinyoung blushed, but didnt hide it this time. "thank you hyung.. you look very nice too." mark smiled wider, his heart bursting in his chest.

"let's go shall we?"


while the two ate, they laughed and joked around together. asking questions to get to know each other as they did so. mark learned rather quickly that jinyoung loved to be sarcastic and make sarcastic jokes. jinyoung learned quickly that mark loved cheesy jokes and pick up lines, which wasnt too much of a surprise to jinyoung.

they enjoyed each others company. the two feeling comfortable around each other, not hiding anything from one another. mark knew he fell in love with jinyoung that night, especially when the younger had been smiling the way he did throughout the date.

it felt like mark was in heaven and he and jinyoung were the only ones there. he was in pure bliss as he and jinyoung walked home together after dinner. mark slipped his hand in jinyoungs, jinyoung smiling down at their hands and giving marks hand a small squeeze.

"thank you hyung.. for tonight. it was wonderful." jinyoung said, looking down at the ground. mark stopped walking, standing in front of jinyoung, lifting his chin up to look at him.

"thank you jinyoung, for giving me a chance." mark said. the two stood there in silence, just studying each others features. jinyoung noticed the makeup mark was wearing, not ever thinking mark would be the kind to do so. he sure did pull it off though, jinyoung thought.

mark noticed the beauty mark on jinyoungs lip and couldn't keep his eyes off them. he wanted nothing more than to kiss jinyoung in that moment.



"can I kiss you right now?"


and with that, mark leaned in slowly. the two closing their eyes as they ended their night with a long kiss under the moonlight.

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