annoying ♡ jinbam

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requested but I also already had it done lolol I love jinbam :(



he day had been boring for the seven boys. they all did their own things, leaving the dorm more quiet then usual.  mark and youngjae played video games, yelling a string of curses and demands at each other and people on their team which couldn't hear them. yugyeom was out with jaebeom for the day, on a date. jackson had been busy that whole week with song writing and interviews. this left jinyoung and bambam.

bambam was in his room, bored out of his mind. he didn't have a schedule and everyone else was busy. he groaned, throwing his phone in a pile of clothes and rolling over onto his back, his head dangling over the edge of the bed.

he sat there on his bed for a moment before getting up, taking a second to steady himself from having all the blood rush to his head. he kicked his legs over the edge of his bed and stood up, deciding to watch something in the living room.

when he arrived he saw jinyoung sitting on the couch already watching something. the elder didn't even send him a glance. bam pouted, upset he couldn't watch what he wanted but maybe he and jinyoung could go somewhere.

"hyungie~" bam said cutely. plopping himself next to jinyoung. "hmm?" jinyoung hummed, not looking away from the tv but acknowledging his existence. "hyungie can we go out somewhere?"

"why?" jinyoung asked. he didn't seem interested, causing bam to frown. "cause.. we don't have schedules?" bams words came out more like a question then a statement but jinyoung still said no.

"why not?" bambam whined, upset jinyoung wouldn't spend time with him. "I'm busy bam, watching tv." jinyoung sighed out.

"but~ we could have a better time out together! I'll even buy you dinner o-or I can buy you that wat-" before bam could continue jinyoung shushed him. "bam, I said no. we can go out a different day okay?" jinyoung finally turned to the younger boy, a soft expression on his face instead of the emotionless one he wore only seconds ago.

bam sighed, nodding and throwing himself back onto the couch with a huff. why couldn't jinyoung at least pay attention to him? why was his stupid tv show more important than him?

bam stood up, stomping his way down the hall to his room. he huffed, closing the door and sitting on his bed. a pout prominent on his face, his cheeks puffed and arms crossed.

he had to get jinyoungs attention somehow. bam thought about it for a moment, not really sure what to do to get his hyungs attention.

in the middle of his thought he heard a banging on the door to the room next to him.

"youngjae, how could you just do that?! you're so annoying!"

"me?! annoying?! have you met yourself?!"

"ugh, you're lucky I love you or I'd kick your ass for talking to me like that!"

the argument continued, compliments being left as a way to stop escalating the argument more but it gave bam the perfect idea.

operation annoy jinyoung until he gave bam attention was a go.

bambam honestly didn't know why he wanted jinyoungs attention so badly but there was nothing wrong with it. he loved jinyoung and craving a little attention wouldn't hurt, right?

he took a deep breath before walking back out to the living room, sitting next to jinyoung agian. the older boy glanced over at bam for a second, confused on why we came back into the living room when he was upset but he ignored it and looked back at the tv.

a few minutes went by before bambam leaned on jinyoung, causing jinyoung to jump a little. "what are you doing bambam?" jinyoung asked, no signs of announce yet.

"laying down, duh." bam answered quickly. jinyoung hummed, not minding bam leaning on him. he started minding it when bam would poke his arm every few minutes, distracting him from his show.

"can you stop that?" jinyoung asked after the millionth poke on his arm. "" bam said before poking jinyoung again. jinyoung was shocked. bam usually listened to jinyoung and never really did anything to get him upset.

"y-yah! stop it bam." jinyoung said sternly. jinyoung didn't see but a grin laid on bams face as he continued to poke his hyung, making him more annoyed by the minute.

"bambam, I sad stop it!" jinyoung said, a little louder this time. he pushed the youngers hands away, making bambam pout up at him. "why are you being so annoying?!" jinyoung asked, shaking bam off and standing up.

"b-because.." jinyoung looked at him, telling him to continue with his eyes. bam looked down at his hands. "I wanted your attention... you were so focused on your show i.. i didn't know what else to do.." bam confessed. jinyoung instantly calmed down, not expecting that answer.

"aish bam..." jinyoung sat down next to the boy again, cupping his face and making him look at him. "I'm sorry I ignored you honey." bambams cheeks turned a light shade of pink from the contact and how close they were now.

"i-it's okay. sorry for annoying you." jinyoung smiled, shaking his head. he leaning in a kissed bams forehead, both boys closing their eyes for a second, opening them when jinyoung pulled away. "you have nothing to be sorry for. I honestly don't know why I was so focused on the show... it wasn't even good." bam giggled causing jinyoung to smile.

"dummy for ignoring me for a stupid show." jinyoung rolled his eyes moving away from bam and crossing his arms. "can't believe you'll say you're sorry for annoying me but continue to do it." jinyoung shook his head, pretending to be annoyed again.

"it's what you get for going mean! you pushed me and everything!" bambam pouted, not catching on that jinyoung was messing around.

"awh, is my baby upset~" jinyoung cooed, grabbing bams cheek and pinching it. bam squeaked, not expecting jinyoung to do that. "stop!" bam whined.

jinyoung smirked, obviously having fun teasing the younger. "how about... no." jinyoung grabbed both cheeks and pinched them whils cooing at the boy.

"y-you're so-so annoying!" bam shouted. jinyoung let go and laughed while bam put his hands to his now sore cheeks.

"now you know how it feels."

"I hate you."

"I love you too honey."

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