08 | 2028

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Heads up! This one is the longest chapter so far and also, my favorite, though apologize in advance since the timeline kinda confusing and skip a lot.

But still, enjoy!

x Yori

p.s. updating faster than it should be because we celebrating bts comeback, aren't we?


2 0 2 8

But when you let the light in,
the shattered glass will glitter.

HER EYES CLOSED with a blindfold as she heard the door get open and someone grab her hand then pull her into the room.

Her heart is beating fast while holding tightly on the hand that pulled the girl somewhere. However, when she entering into what she assumed is a room, the scent of scented candles like clean clothes welcomed her. The room is warm but there is still the scent of paint that hasn't dried and suddenly the hand holding Chaeyoung is gone.

Panic strikes but before she could say anything, her blindfold was opened. The sunlight hit her eyes and she blinks a few times to adjust, then she finally look around.

"Whoa..." it's all she says while Jaehyun just there sit on the first floor as Chaeyoung roaming the whole place.

It's a two-floors duplex apartment and just from the glass wall you can see Seoul under your feet and features a wraparound terrace with a pergola on the lower level to go along with the four bedrooms, a ready walk in wardrobe, living room with beautiful chandelier, sitting room, a luxurious dining room, study, media room, all of which are breathtaking for Chaeyoung.

"I don't know you are really good with interior design, Jaehyun ssi." Teased Chaeyoung.

Jaehyun laugh again, "do you think this is all my idea?" Chaeyoung shrugs, "this is all thanks to the interior design services and also Taeyong hyung, and the other members to..."

Chaeyoung laugh out loud this time when he heard the reason from her fiancée, of course Jaehyun would ask his members for help. Then, for Chaeyoung's gratitude, she kisses his cheek quickly. Jaehyun who is startled immediately realized and embraced Chaeyoung, this time leaning in for a sweet kiss on the lips.

Once Jaehyun pulls the kiss and rest his forehead on hers, Chaeyoung closes her eyes as gives a smooth caressing on his smile face. In that moment, she truly feels so loved by him. She knows, he sincerely when it comes to her and what else she could ask for. Jung Jaehyun is perfect.

"Chaeyoung ah." she slowly open her eyes as Jaehyun already staring at her, she hums back, "in a week..." Chaeyoung bit down her lower lips, "I'll be gone for a year, will you be alright?"

"I will." She says in heartbeat. Again, she caressing his pale skin gently, "and I'll wait for you to come back."

Jaehyun nod and kisses Chaeyoung's forehead longer than usual. The woman closed her eyes, remembering all the feel so that later when Jaehyun enlisted the military she could remember this.

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