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Gandalf's POV

'I need to find her. She has to be inher tomb. If she isn't, than we'll have a big problem. Please,

Raven, be there' I thought to myself asI rode my horse along a familiar path.

~ little time skip ~

"Yes, it's still here" I saidto myself as I saw the entrance into Raven's tomb. 'I have to bereally careful now, who knows how many traps are still working' Ithought as I went through halls. When I was behind first 4 traps, Ifell through trap door. " Ugh, well, this is new" I said tomyself.

~ time skip ~

I found her. She is, indeed, sleepingin her coffin. I need to wake her up. And there's only one way to doso. Use my blood.

Raven's POV

I have no idea how long I was sleeping.First thing I heard in my slumber were that new trap door, than thelid of my coffin being opened. Guess some hunters found me. No, wait,is that.......blood?!?!?

Yes, it's scent of blood. I understandnow, It's time to wake up.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I sawGandalf. I was happy to see him but also annoyed. What does he wantthis time? " Good morning, my old friend" I said " Howlong was I asleep"

" Morning? It's pass noon, mydear" Gandalf chuckled " And for your second question,Raven, you slept for 400 years"

" Was it really that long, nowonder I'm so stiff " I said as I stretched my arms and back "Allright, What do you need ? I know you never pay a visit without areason"

" You know me to well" theGrey wizard laughed " I want you to help me protect someone"

" And who would that be ? Who isso much important that he is in need for protection from an oldvampire like myself ? " I asked with amusment in my voice

" Thorin Oakenshield "

Ok, now I started choking on the thinair.

" WHAT!!!!" I yelled "You want me to protect HIM of ALL PEOPLE ? What if he finds out ThatI'm a Vampire ? You know yourself the best HOW other races react onvampire community. There just few of us left"

" That is why you'll keep it asecret as long as you can" Gandalf said calmly " You can'tstay here until you die, as if you could that is "

I took a couple of deep breaths to calmmyself down and to prevent attacking my oldest friend. 'Do I reallywant to be stuck in here' I thouhgt. With a sigh I answered hisrequest.

" Fine, I'll see what I can do"I said in defeat.

" Thank you, Raven, it will begood for you, you'll see"

And with this sentence he left me toget ready. Now, my task was to find and get Thorin Oakenshield in onepiece to the Bree, where we'll meet with certain wizard. This isgonna be fun.


Allright guys, this is my first book so I hope you enjoy and write me if I should continue this book. The picture shows how Raven looks like just more red-eyed. To clarify I do not own a picture nor book. I apologize for the grammatical errors.  BYE

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