Sub!Error x Dom!Reaper

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[Requested by~ MikkiMausu Thank you for your request!]

¤ In Multiverse number 72¤

•In this multiverse Error hasen't left from the anti-void and there isn't such a thing as balance.

¤Reaper is one of the part of Nightmare's gang in this.

¤quick note¤
This is my first time writing lemon, so i'm not good at it.

Warning; CRINGE


Error's P.O.V

I'm in the white room right now. Not like i can get out of here anyway. But good thing i'm not alone! No, it's not good thing. I wish i was all alone. The voices, they do and say horrible things. I don't like them at all. I just want to get out of here. I want to see all the colors again! But i can't get out of here. I have tried everything, but nothing works. I just want out of here. I have been here since i was.......what was it.....eleven? Yea, i think i was eleven when i ended up here. I don't know how long i have been here, maube couple of years? I can't really tell from my height since i don't grow like normal people do. I don't need to eat, or sleep, not like i remember how to do it. It would be amazing to see even some other color. Ofcourse i can see the colors of my clothes, and my bones, but i don't remember their name. I only remember one color......white. It's kinda hard to forget it when your trapped in a white room all yourself. I just feel like crying again, so that's what i do. I hate this place. I hate it! I hate it! I HATE IT! I HATE IT! IHATEITIHATEITIHATEITIHATEITIHATEITIHATEITIHATEITIHATEITIHATEIT!!!!

¤Meanwhile at Nihtmare's castle¤

Nightmare's P.O.V

What's this......? I can sense a lot of negative emotions from one person, but at the same time, i can't sense them at all. I try to look where the negative emotions come from but they are everywhere, but at the same time, nowhere. I try to make a portal to the person who was this much negative emotions, but fail. Ofcourse i love these powerful negative emotions, and normally i would do nothing about it, but these negative emotions.......they are....different. the curiosity gots the best of me and i call up a meeting.

¤5 minutes later¤

Great. Everyone's at the meeting room. Expect for Cross and Reaper, since Cross went to look for Reaper. I'm starting to grow unpatience and i'm ready to yell when the doors brust open and Cross is walking inside with Reaper. Cross gives me an apolgytive look and sits down, while Reaper just sat down and scrolled on his phone.

"I need your guys help." I say. Killer was about to ask something when i continued.

"I sense a different kind of negative emotions. They are everywhere but at the same time nowhere. they are like, stronger than seven depressed people's negative emotions together. I tried to portal to them, but i couldn't open a portal to them. So i need your help to open a portal to the person." I say.  They look like they are thinking about it, and finally they all nod. Even Reaper had turned his attention to this from his phone, and nodded at me. I get up from my chair and start walking to the training room, everyone following me from behind. I get to the training room and open the door. Our training room is like a three schools P.E gym. And here we train so we could beat the Starfuckers. I try to make a portal to the person on my own again, but got nothing.

"What are we supposed to do? I'm hungry." Horror says/asks, receiving a slap back on his skull from Dust

"Your always hungry." Says Dust, and Horror just gives him a big ass smirk.

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