Dom!Horror x sub!Dust

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[Request by~LuckyLightFury30]

Horror was acting weird, well, that's what Dust thought. Well, when didn't the weird cannibal act weird? Oh well..... Today Dust and Horror were alone in Nightmare's castle. The others were on a mission, and wouldn't come back until tomorrow. So yaaay, Dust got the castle to himself! Well, almost. Horror was also there, but Horror would act like Dust wouldn't even exist.....right?.......right?


Horror has been following Dust from Nightmare's leave this whole time. Like literally everywhere. And well Dust......Dust had enough.

"Horror, why are you following me everywhere?!" Asked Dust a bit curios and angry. Wouldn't you be a little annoyed if someone was following you the whole day? Wouldn't you?!

"You are cute." Said Horror, not answering the question. Dust was about to say that, that wasen't an answer to his question, when he realized what Horror had said. Horror called him cute? Yup. That's what Dust heard. Dust could feel his cheeks heating up with a puprle blush.

"W-what?!" Said Dust, cursing his stuttering. (I curse you stuttering!!!!).

"You are cute." Said Horror again, a little bit of lust seen in his eyes. (Here we go with the lust thing).

"H-how am i cute?!" Asked Dust, a little taken a back from what Horror said. As far as he knows, Horror hasen't shown any romantic interest in him, so why so sudden? And why calling him cute?? Even thought Dust doesn't want to say it, he maybe, maybe has a little crush on Horror.

"You just are cute. Your eyes are beautiful. Your blush is just adorable. You know, you really make it hard not to fuck you here and now when you talk with your stutter." Stated Horror simply like they were some kind of facts. Wait a minute. Did Horror just say that he wanted to.....fuck Dust?!

"W-W-What?!" Said Dust, blush covering his face. Horror started walking closer to Dust, making him walk backwards. Dust could only take couple steps until he was met with the cough. Horror pinned Dust on the cough suddenly, making Dust let out a quiet 'eep'. Horror, to Dust's suprise, kissed him, lovingly. It took Dust a while before shyly kissing back. Dust isn't used to this. He hasen't even kissed anyone before. Why so sudden Horror wants to fuck Dust? When Horror felt Dust kiss back, he bited Dust's lip, asking for entarace. Dust parted his lips (yes. You readed that right) a bit, giving Horror the change to shove his tongue in. They kissed for a long time before parting, looking at eachother. Both of them were blushing. Dust soft purple, amd Horror red. Dust was taken a back when Horror started licking his neck, giving it a little pecks.

"A-ah, H-Horror~" Moaned Dust, making Horror harsly bite his neck, drawing out some blood. Horror left some more marks on Dust's neck, before taking both of their hoodies and shirts off. Horror left some more marks on Dust's ribs, before taking Dust's soul out of his ribcage.

"H-Horror? W-what are you- AH~!" Horror put two of his fingers inside Dust's soul, making him moan out of pain and pleasure. Horror took his fingers out, and put them back in, going faster and faster every time. Dust couldn't take it, and moaned out loud, his soul dripping cum on Horror's hand. Horror only smirked, and licked his hand, along with Dust's soul, making Dust moan again. Horror took of Dust's shorts, putting his other hand on Dust's dick, jerking him off. He still continued to lick Dust's soul at the same time, making Dust soon cum again, but Horror still didn't stop. Horror continued still doing it, making Dust come over, over and over again. Horror really wasen't planning on showing him mercy, wasen't he? After 6 times of cumming did Horror stop, only to put his fingers inside Dust's soul again. Horror just loved seeing Dust like this. Dust was really a blushing mess, pleasure seen all over his face. Horror decided to let Dust rest, after 3 times cumming again, putting Dust's soul back inside his ribcage, and putting their clothes on. Dust's legs were gonna hurt a lot in the morning, wouldn't they?


Yep. Dust's legs were really in pain. It was painful to walk but he did want some breakfast. So, he walked, on the kitchen, painful look on his face. And ofcourse the others were back. Eating breakfast normally. Even Horrpr was eating in the table some cereal. Ususally he would be on his room eating. Dust went to grab some bread, and put some butter on it.

"What's up Dust? You look like your in pain." Said/asked Killer, looking at Dust confiused. Dust just crumbled, taking his bread and making his way out of the kitchen.

"C'mon. I didn't go that hard." Said Horror, smirking at Dust. Dust turnes around and looked at Horror with the 'are you serios' face. Dust just crumbled some more, turning back around and walking towards the cough. Nope, not gonna sit on the cough, that's for sure.

"Sweet ass!" Yelled Horror from the kitchen.

"Fuck you!" Yelled Dust back, a bit flustered.

"Nah. Your bottom!" Yelled Horror again, making Dust exremely painfully run to the kitchen, throwing his bread at Horror's face.

(Okay. Not updating every book today. Was harder than i thought....well i'll update them when i have time. But they WILL have atleast 1000 words ^^)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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