Sub!Error x Dom!Dream

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[Request by~ yaoilover3173 thank you for your request!!]

"Mom, dad, how did you guys met?" Asked Rem his parents, Dream and Error.

"Yea mom and dad. We want to hear!" Andrea cheered in their bed.

"WeLl It AlL sTaRtEd WhEn...." Started Error witha a sigh....

Error's P.O.V

"C-CaN i C-CoMe HoMe W-WiTh Y-YoU?" I ask my brother. It's dangerous out here at night. isn't the people in's the people far from here. No....they aren't people, they're beast's. They come every night. There's four of them. They don't have an body, so they use different monster's body. And what do you have to do to get monster's body....? You have to tear their soul apart. Really painful thing. But....your safe if your inside at night. And that's the funny brother doesn't like me. He hate's me. Usually i would spend my night at Undyen's, or Alphy's house.......but it's very late now, and i can't teleport, since i barely eat or sleep at all. Heck, i wouldn't survive even 8 minutes after they come.

"Stay out of the house tonight....the human is gonna spend the night here." My brother says, glaring at me coldly. The human doesn't even know i exist. They only know about Papyrus and my father......Gaster. I don't get why they left from the ruins. That's the only place where They can't go. Oh well.....i have to hurry if i don't want to die. My brother closes the door to our house, and i begun to run. Run as fast as i can. When the loud bell rang's trough the Underground, we know that they are here. I'll test out Undyen's house first, since Alphys is mostly also there. And the bell rang. Singaling that the beast's are here. Just a little more.............yes!!!

*knock knock*

I knock to the door. It didn't open, so i knocked again, more louder and faster. They are alredy roaming trough Underground....trying to find their victim, witch is gonna be me if Undyen doesn't open and fast. WHY DOESN'T SHE OPEN THE DOOR?! I turn around, ready to run to Alphy's lab when i see something i never wanted to see..........Undyen.........................she........she's............they, they got her!!!!! HOW?!?! that....bear trap?! How?! The beast's.......they have setted traps. She became........corrupted. That's what we call them. The one's we love, if they 'die' by those beast's we call them Corrupted. Oh no............Corrupted noticed me. SHIT! RUN RUN RUN RUUUUN!!!!!! I start to run into a random direction as fast as i could. Even faster than i could. Corrupted is getting closer and closer. WHY DO THEY HAVE TO BE SO FAST?!

'Oof-' I fell to the ground. WHERE THE HECK DID THAT ROCK CAME FROM?! I get up and what i shocking me. A portal. A PORTAL!! PORTAL!!! I run trough as fast as i could, and find myself in a big room, filled with many people that look a lot like me, but nothing like me. The same of my brother. How's this possible?! Welp, not time for that. I really have to catch my breath. I went way past my limit. Wait......THE OTHER MONSTER'S IN MY HOME!! THEY DON'T KNOW THAT UNDYEN'S CORRUPTED!! I went trough my pockets, not caring about the other people right now. I found my walkie-talkie. I just hope it works.

"UnDyEn'S cOrRuPtEd, OvEr." I say in the walkie-talkie. I got fast reply from.......THE HUMAN?!

"Thank you stranger.....NO! PAPS DON'T OPEN THE DO- shhhz, shhz." And silence follows. I look around and notice, actually a lot of skeletons.

Ink's P.O.V (before Error came trough the portal)

I was having a meeting with the other Sanses and Papyrus's. We were making plans about how to get ride of Nightmare's gang. Dream wasen't that happy, since he doesn't want to hurt his brother. Fell was saying something, until a glitching portal appeard. Soon another Sans came running from the portal. I don't think i have created this Sans....i don't reconize him. He was trying to catch his breath. He apperently was running fast. I wonder why? He suddenly had a panicking look all over his face, and he begun to go trought his pockets, ignoring us. He finally found a........walkie-talkie?

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