C1: The Contract

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Hello world and all its beauty... *cough*cough*

Its your revived writer here! The one risen from the dead.hahaha.

I'm back with a rather interesting book here we see. Its normal but full of romance, drama and you know, all the fancy dandy stuff.

I hope you do enjoy this lovely peace as its close to valentines day.

(Everyone likes things related to holidays)

Right.... I don't think so whoever you are... Writing that...

Anyway. Enjoy the book!

"You called for me Mrs Welling?" Victoria asked as she walked into the office holding a tray with freshly brewed coffee in mug.

Mrs Welling, her boss and proud owner of 'wife for hire', looked up at her newest recruit Victoria.

It wasn't long since they had called papers for a new member on board. Someone with the face of a beauty and a body of a goddess and this one fit the right criteria.

She wasn't as tall as most of the woman walking around, but she was the perfect height with luxurious long black hair as well as stunning slightly yellow skin.

"You know this isn't prostitution?" Asked the owner of the company as she leaned back from her computer and stared as Victoria placed the tray on the desk.

Vitoria glanced down at her outfit and bit her lip as she glanced up at Mrs Welling with an apologetic smile.

"Is it my outfit?" She asked as she stood up and began to tug her thigh high skirt a bit lower. "I know its a bit too short but it was the only decent thing I have at the moment-."

"'Wife for hire' is an organisation based on the principle of women safety, so we do not allow our members to sleep around with our customers." She stated and Victories could only stare at her dumbfounded.

"Your point being.... Madam?" She asked still not getting the point when she clearly read the rules and regulations.

"You've been given a contract. Specifically you being the youngest and the man as well is young. Twenty seven to be exact." She said as she slipped an envelop across the desk to her, watching as Veronica stared wide eyed at the envelop. "Many of our clients do not bother looking at pictures and order at random. This one picked carefully. Read the contract and talk with me tomorrow after you have thought. We have not much time with this. He demands it early. So you are dismissed for today." She said and Vitoria blinked at her a bit taken aback but quickly grabbed the envelop and rushed out of the room.

Once she was out of the boss's sight as the doors swayed back into place, she glanced down at the envelop and stroked her thumb against it, feeling the fitness and coarseness of the envelop.

"Just got your first job?" A partner of hers asked as she pocked her head from the cubical up front. Her hazel eyes staring down at the envelop in her hands. "That's nice. I heard he's stinking rich."

"Oh really?" Victoria chuckled as she sighed and walked to her partner. "How many missions did you do?"

"About a hundred and fifty so far." She smiled and began to type away on her keyboard. "Never sleep with them or talk to them as much. Your job is to pretend to be the wife for either just a night or a whole week at their parent's stay. Pretend to be as close to him as possible when not trying to. Many will try to get under there so keep your mind straight. Do not flirt or fall in love unless you're willing to risk your job." She said and Victoria cleared her throat as she glanced around a bit.

"Is kissing aloud?" She asked and her partner nodded her head in agreement.

"Only when necessary." She said then smiled as she glanced up at me. "If you don't mind, I have work to do."

"Oh!" Victoria exclaimed as she sat up and nodded. "Sure sure. See you tomorrow." She smiled as she turned on her heel and walked towards the elevator.

She couldn't help but put a smile on her face as she walked to the elevator, feeling thrilled and excited about her first mission.

Being young and twenty five was pretty hard for her to find a normal job after had missed her exams with unfortunate circumstances. This was the only job that could allow her without a proper degree and she was thankful for it.

She stepped into the elevator and proceeded down to the last floor. She immediately began to fetch her keys in her purse as she walked towards the the exit, only to get caught by one of her colleagues again.

"I just you're going to mission with a handsome devil." She smiled as she placed her hands on her hips, a woman as old as forty nine but looked as young as Victoria.

Hair that hardly turned Greg at all, no facial of body wrinkles and completely no spot on her face.

"I'm proud of you. So what are the requirements?" She asked. "Mrs Welling sent me to help you out and make you get the mission. The last time she said that one of our woman had to sleep with a porn star." She chuckled and Victoria stiffened uncomfortably. "Those files were then after banned from coming. It ruined our image for some time."

"So... If she sent you... Its not just a simple thing?" Victoria asked as she clenched the file tightly.

"Don't be scared. Let's go over to your place and check it out." She smiled as she reached out and patted her shoulder. "It will be alright."

Victoria nodded and proceeded to the door with an anxious feeling boring through her stomach. She glanced down at the file then stroked it's material once more.

It smelt nice, more of a male perfume and not too strong or faint.

She sighed as she walked to Naomi, her colleague's car. She went right into the passenger seat and stared at ahead as she tried to think what the envelop would possibly have inside.

"Check the picture of the man." I want to see what handsome devil they picked out this time." Naomi said as she drove into the road, heading straight for Victoria's house.

Victoria carefully dragged her finger along the stuck flap and opened it. She reached into the file and pulled out a normal sized picture.

"Wow!" Naomi exclaimed as she glanced over to the picture then back to the road. "That's a keeper!"

The man in the picture didn't seem old at all, in fact very young and seemingly very built.

His hair was combed back like silk and in a shiny black texture, soft but plenty and thick.

From the symmetrical facial features down to how the suit pressed against his body clearly gave out the picture of perfection. To top it all off, he was a young successful CEO with a net worth of billions and trillions.

"He really is handsome." Victoria smiled as she bit on her lower lip and gazed into the brown eyes of the young CEO.

"I was matched up nearly eighteen times with no good stuck up men with nasty looking beards." Naomi said as she rolled her eyes. "Every time they want you to kiss them, you have these strands left on your lipstick or in your mouth." She said and Victoria cringed. "Worst is if they don't clean it."

"Ew." Victoria cringed as she laughed though her smile dropped when she discovered she would soon have to tag along those men soon enough.


Lmao am I right? Would you become a contract wife or husband?

Comment it out! Its fun.

Don't forget that little 'not so twinkle' star right there.

The Contract Wife. book Series #1 (COMPLETED!)Where stories live. Discover now