C7: Husband's caretaker

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My apologies if this story might be rusty and in need for correction and editing. But please enjoy this buffet of madness.

Victoria sighed as she reached down to her feet and stroked the heels, feeling the pain her high heels have her throughout the day.

She glanced up at the clock just above her door and it was well past seven. She sighed and leaned back, straightening her back a bit as she turned her head side to side only to stop when her phone vibrated with an unknown caller ID.

"Hello?" She said only to pause a bit as she listened. "Okay. I'm heading over." She said as she cut the call and groaned a bit more.

She got up from her bed and walked to the closet, eyeing the way the maids stacked up her clothes. She glanced down at the shoes and pulled out some sandals and reached for a simple black jumpsuit.

After getting into her picked clothes, she quickly tied her hair into a bun and rushed out, grabbing her handbag and her phone.

"Are you leaving madam?" Ella, her personal maid, asked as she rushed to her side once spotting her hurriedly leaving the bedroom.

"Yes. Get a car ready, I need to go to my husband's office." She said and Ella nodded, willing out her phone in an instant and quickly clicked on the one of the drivers' number.

"Yes. Mrs Lamar needs a lift to Mr Lamar's office." She said and cut the call. "Its ready madam."

"Thank you." Victoria smiled as she stepped into the elevator with Ella.

"Anything you may need Madam?" Ella asked as she stared at Victoria who tired fixing the loose short strands around her edges. "What about dinner?"

"We'll have it when we get back. Just bring a medical kit to my room, some fever medicines too and a pail of warm and cold water as well as a towel." She said and stepped out as it opened and Ella nodded, turning towards another corridor to get the requirements ready.

Victoria walked out of the house and rushed towards the ready car, stepping in in seconds.

"Mr Lamar's office please." She said and the driver nodded once he jumped in and drove off.


Derek groaned as he squeezed his eyes shut whilst leaning against the desk with sweat running down the sides of his face.

Peter turned the fan one step more faster as he watched Derek being stubborn just to leave his office. So he decided to call Victoria behind his back, hoping Victoria could put some sense into him.

"You're just hurting yourself. Its been going on the whole day." Peter said as he eyed Derek who shook his head in denial and wiped a handkerchief on his forehead.

"It will go away." He said shakily. "I have lots of work to do..."

"I can do it for you you know?" Peter asked with furrowed brows and Derek chuckled weakly.

"That'll pile up your work." He said then leaned back on the chair. "I just need to show it I'm dominant."

"Who the hell does that?" Peter rolled his eyes. "I've called your wife." He said, taking Derek aback who shot him a shocked glance.

"Why would you do that?" He asked in annoyance and Peter shrugged his shoulders.

"She'll get you out of here." Peter said easily getting Derek to smirk out.

"She's not going to do that. I won't listen to her." He said then sighed ad he glanced down at the floor only to shot his eyes towards the door where Victoria emerged from.

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