C27: What is love?

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"Your eyes..." His last client pointed out as he noticed the tired and swollen look in his eyes. His other clients noticed it but did not point it out, knowing it wasn't their problem. Unfortunately for him, this particular one had to point it out and all Derek could do was sigh out.

"Any more proposals you have?" Derek asked and the woman in front of him sighed out as she fanned herself. A woman nor less younger than he was, by a few months and also filthy rich based off of her recently deceased parents.

"No. Just the substitute stock bonding." She said then frowned as she watched Derek glance down at the floor in near sadness. "I can't help but be bothered by your face."

"Just leave it alone." He shot her an angered glare and frowned when she smiled a bit at him. "What?"

"I heard about the rescue of your wife. She should be lucky to have you. You're handsome and loving." She sighed out in admiration then smirked at him. "I would kill for that."

"You could leave you know?" He asked in annoyance and she chuckled.

"I'm just being nice." She sighed and got up from her seat. "Keep in touch okay Derek?"

"It's Mr Lamar." Derek hissed and she smiled and blew a flying kiss to him with a small quick wink before leaving the office.

He sighed as the headache amplified now that he had no conversation to stop him from thinking. He glanced at the clock on his wrist watch and it was well past the hour eleven.

It was a good thing the next day was a public holiday, he would sleep in all day.

He sighed and stood up while he cleared his desk, ready to leave for home.

His heart skipped multiple bests as Victoria slipped into his mind, forcing him to wonder if she was home and waiting for him.

He could only hope.

He hurried to the elevator and quickly clicked the first floor button, waiting for it to close, and that seemed like forever. When it finally descended, he pulled out his phone, checking to see if she had sent him a message, but there wasn't any.

He clenched his jaw as the elevator swayed open and stepped out of it, hurrying towards the exit, catching a few curious glances from the night guards.

He made it into the cold night air and looked around, only to spot his ready car just in front of him. He walked to it, nearly rushing as his heart sought for it's salvation.

He jumped into the car and Winston took no second less to drive as fast as he could, knowing his boss was exhausted and needed sleep.

Derek stared out of the window as he now felt embarrassed in front of Winston, after what he had to hear in the morning, he wasn't sure if Winston could see him as a strong boss.

"Winston... In the morning... I... Well you see-"

"No need to explain sir. I fully understand." Winston smiled as he glanced up at the driver's mirror. "A man needs to cry sometimes."

"Thank you for... Always looking up to me." Derek said out and clenched his jaw as he thinned his lips. "I don't say this much but... I really don't deserve to have you by my side. You deserve a master who's kind hearted."

"I don't deserve anything else but you sir. You are a kind hearted man and full of love.  You deserve happiness and peace. You will find those." He said and Derek smiled.

"Thank you." He said in a mummer before looking out the window with a heavy sigh. "Do you think Victoria loves me?" He asked and Winston tightened his grip on the wheel.

"Love is strange." Winston started. "It's hard to let two people see the same love. But if one tries hard  enough, the other might see it. But if it is the wrong person, they might just leave."

"Right." He nodded slowly and bit on his lower lip. "You don't know."

"I can't tell if I know or not." Winston admitted and Derek sighed out.

Let me marry Winston. Seems like his life is somewhat in order right?
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