C5: Love affair

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Derek lazily walked across the long corridor, searching for Victoria's room.

It was today or never. So he thought.

He knocked against the door he had told the maids to assign her to and it wasn't long until the door opened, revealing Victoria who seemed hardly tired and sleepy.

"Mr Lamar..." She said and opened the door fully only to gasp when she realised her night gown was a bit see through. She quickly pushed the door back only to hit into Derek's chest.

"Ouch..." Derek flinched and She blushed, leaving the door immediately.

"I'm not properly dressed sir and..." She said nervously as she watched him step in while groaning in pain. "Are you okay?"

"I have to get you pregnant now." He said and she stared at him in shock.

Why would he say it so bluntly!? She thought to herself in terror.

She bit into her lower lip as he closed the door and turned to her whilst pulling his jacket off.

"My mother wants to take you out. She'll probably have to test you for pregnancy." He said and she clenched her fists, wishing she was given enough time to accept the situation. She had just landed and a lot of pressure was already on her.

"Are you listening?" He asked and she nodded as she glanced at the bed and sighed out, walking to it in shaky legs.

She slowly crawled onto the bed and laid down with her head resting on the pillows.

He sighed as he finished off his trousers then walked to the bed and hovered over her, staring down at her fear stricken face.

"Non of us want this." He pointed out noticing how terrified and unsure she was.

"Please get it over with." She whispered and clenched her fists tightly.

"I'll make sure you enjoy it as much as I will." He said as he lowered his head to her stomach and began planting small kisses up the line to her throat, trying to make her as stimulated as possible. She held her breath as he continued down the line once more, brining an uneasy feeling into the pits of her stomach.

He heard her sigh out shakily and smiled to himself, now shifting so their faces were above each other.

"For this to work. You have to make me want you as well." He said and she furrowed her brows. But before she could say anything, he crushed his lips on hers.

She kissed him back and wrapped her arms around his waist, he lowered himself on her, feeling a bit of excitement crawl up his skin so easily.

She moved her lips to his neck and teased him a bit, making sure he felt what she wanted him to. And she was proven right when she felt it on her stomach.

It wasn't long until he was bounded by her spell and thrashing into her.

The knock on the door forced Derek's eyes open. He groaned as the light coming from the open windows burned right through his eyes. He sat up and rubbed the blindness away then batted his eyelids a bit.

"Sir, You will be late for the meeting." His butler called from behind the door and Derek sighed as he leaned back down to the bed. "Sir?"

"I'll be right there." Derek said out loud then glanced to his side at Victoria, sound asleep and seemed as worn out as he was.

He smiled at last night's thought and reached out to brush the countless strands of hair off her face.

"Very unladylike to sleep in such a manner." He sighed and quickly jumped off the bed, walking towards the shower. "Winston are you still there?"

"Yes sir." The butler said from behind the door.

"Could you bring my suit. Place it on the bed for me. The door isn't locked." He said and Winston walked in with the suit already in his hands. He glanced down at the pile of clothes of his young master and the mistress but didn't say anything and could only smile.

This is just the beginning Sir. You will find love in her. He thought as he dropped the suit on the bed and glanced at Victoria who seemed heavily wrapped in the blanket.

He smiled out and walked out of the room in seconds.

Derek finished off and stepped out of the bathroom as he wiped himself only to find Victoria sited down but dozing dangerously. Her head hang low and swaying a bit.

"If you're still sleeping, why don't you lie down?" Derek asked only to startle Victoria who glanced around in panic and soften her fear when her eyes landed on him.

"I do this every morning. Don't ask." She said as she yawned only to throw herself back to the bed. "But I'll sleep a while more..."

"I'm leaving for a meeting." Derek said as he began to wear his outfit. "My mother will be here an hour from now so be ready by then." He said and she only moaned out lazily. "What's my name?"

"Mr Lamar." She said lazily as she opened her tired eyes.

"Its Derek." He frowned and furrowed his brows at her. "From now on call me Derek. Not Mr Lamar."

"Okay.... Derek." She yawned out. "I know I know."

"My sister Penelope will come as well. You might spend most of your day with her." He said and she nodded as she turned away from him. "Even if you turn away, you won't stop listening."

"I know." She said. "But it wouldn't hurt to try." She chuckled out lazily and he rolled his eyes.

"I wonder why Winston picked you of all the others." He sighed out in annoyance as he pulled on his shoes. "I'll be leaving now. Make sure not to oversleep." He said and she sighed out exasperatedly until he had stepped out of the room. She smiled to herself at the quietness of the room and fell back into deep sleep.

He walked right into the dinning room and grabbed the quick breakfast sandwich the maids prepared for him on the go. He reached for the slightly cooled coffee and sip countless times before dropping it onto the tray a maid was holding by the door and rushed out whilst checking his wrist watch.


Not too bad. Derek thought as he rushed towards the already running car.

"Good morning sir." The driver bowed as Derek hopped into the back seat and straightened his suit.

"Morning." Derek sighed out and grabbed the briefcase in the next seat, opening it up and pulling out a few sheets of paper for his opening speech.

The driver quickly rushed into the driver's seat and drove away as quick as possible, knowing he had limited time to drive the CEO to the company.

The Contract Wife. book Series #1 (COMPLETED!)Where stories live. Discover now