Chapter 3: Second Visit

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Chapter 3: Second Visit

I lay in my bed just looking at the ceiling, I couldn’t sleep. All I could think about was that vision I had when Jack was here. I know that was him and me. But it felt like it was so long ago, how the dress looked it looked like the medieval times. And Jack had short brown hair in my vision but when I saw him today, his hair is snow white. I don’t understand I looked the same why does he look different? And I know it’s him I just know it; no one has eyes that blue.

I sigh and sit myself up; I’m never going to go to sleep like this, with so much in my head. “Well, well, well, look who is finally awake.” I look at the window to see a dark figure by the window, all I can see is the outline of a man. “I’m sorry I didn’t stop by earlier. But there were so many people here, I didn’t want to interrupt.”

 “Who are you?” I ask feeling uneasy. “Forgotten me already Elsa? You poor thing.” The figure walks over to me. “Stay back or I’ll scream.” I say about to scream anyways. But he just starts to laugh, “You’ll scream? And a nurse will come in here and see what? A girl with a headache?” “They’ll see you!” I yell. The figure quickly walks to me and grabs my chin, “But they won’t you stupid girl! Only you can see me.” I sit there frozen his nails digging into my skin.

“This is your fault; all you had to do is stay away from him and follow your destiny!” The figured yelled, it’s so dark, I wish I could see who this person was. Before I could yell or say anything else the figure was thrown off of me by a gust of wind. “Coming after her while she’s trying to get better? That’s pretty low, even for you.” I hear. I turn to see my snow white knight. Jack is standing by the window the wind blowing harder the closer he walks to me. He is standing in front of my bed looking at the figure then slowly turns to me.

“You okay Princess?” He asks his face serious. I nod, “How did you….” Before I could finish my sentence, Jack puts a finger to his lips, “Let me finish this and then we’ll talk.” I nod again and we both look at the man, his just standing by the door. “Damn it Frost, why don’t you just stay away.” The man asks. Jack holds the staff up and points it at him, “You stay away from her. Her destiny is where she wants to be. It’s her choose.” Why do they keep talking about my destiny? What is going on?

“You’ll pay for this Frost; this is as much as your fault then hers.” The man asks and then looks at me, “I’ll be back Winters, just you wait.” “Say hello to Damien for me” Jack yells before the man holds some black sand in his hand and throws it at the ground then his gone. I hear Jack sigh. I look over at him as he lowers his staff. His not talking to me, his just looking at the ground, I can tell his talking to himself by his lips moving.

“Jack?” He finally turns to me and gives me a small smile, “You must have some questions.” I move my feet up and hug my knees. “Come sit and talk to me. Or are you going to run off again?” I ask. Jack laughs and moves his fingers through his hair, “I’ll stay but I get to choose which questions I can answer. Deal?” I nod. He sits and looks at me, “Go ahead.”

“Who was that man?”

“No comment. You don’t need to know yet.”

“Fine, then why did he call me Winters? My last name is Summers.”

“No comment, you’ll have to learn that yourself.”

“Okay, well who’s Damien?”

“That man who was here Damien is son; Damien’s father believes you two should be together.”

“Weird and very creepy… Last question, what about my vision, was it a memory?”

“Yes it was it was something that happened in our past.”

“Our past? How long have we’ve known yet other?”

He laughs, “A very long time. Don’t worry, you’ll learn more about it in due time.”

Jack gets up and grabs my hand; I don’t see anything this time, just me and him in this hospital. “I need to go; you have to get some rest Elsa.” “Is Damien’s father going to come back for me?” Jack shook his head, “No, you’ll be safe and I’ll be close by I promise. Nothing is going to happen to you Elsa.” He starts to walk over to the window again. I start to giggle. And Jack turns to me.

“Why are you laughing?” Jack asks. “Why don’t you use the door?” I ask as I start to lie down. “Because, it’s funnier this way.” And with that the wind took my snow knight away. I sigh and turn to the door. In no time, I was asleep.

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update, got to spend some time with the family and work and life. But I’ll try and update soon again! I hope you like my chapter, and sorry if it’s short, my mind is super lazy today and doesn’t want to do anything. It might be form lack of sleep but who knows.  Anyways, leave me some comments on what you think and maybe some votes. I’ll try and update soon! Thank you guys!! Sorry for my spelling and grammar.

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