The Misaki Stairs

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I walked out of class the next day to see Yashiro outside my class. She had a panicked look on her face. "Yashiro? What's wrong?" She grabs my hand and drags me out the school and to the old bathroom or rather where Hanako is.

"Yashiro! What the heck is wrong?" I asked"call you boyfriend! This is important!" I blushed a little at what she said"hon,I can't just-"I saw her eyes fill with tears"ugh...fine...Hanako!"




"Guess he's busy." I said"busy? He's a ghost!" I sigh"he's been busy before." Yashiro nods slightly"was he here this morning?" I shake my head"no. Again,he's busy. Now let's go back to roof top of the main building and talk,ok?" She nods shyly as I take her hand and drag her there.

Small time skip

"Ok,why are you panicking?" I asked her"do you know who Aoi Akane is?" I gave her a confused look"yea? She's like one of the most popular kids at school,next to Minamoto-kun of course." She sighs a little"that's a relief." I nod"hm?" I hum"well...she's missing." I nod"then call the cops." She shakes her head.

"No this is different!" I cross my arms"how?" She starts to pace a little"it's like nobody remembers her. Her teacher doesn't know who she is,and her phone number is no longer active." I nod"you think this is due to a school mystery?" She shrugs"probably...Y/N it's so weird. Everyone was looking at me like I was crazy!"

"I...I called her home phone and asked her mom about it but she acted like she never had a daughter." I stand up from the seat"ok,that's worrisome. After school,let's go find Hanako." She nods rapidly"thank you! Thank you!"

Time skip

"Hm..."Hanako hums"DONT 'HM' ME! YOU WERE GONE AT LUNCH AND THIS MORNING!" Yashiro yells"well,I'm a busy guy." Hanako says glancing at the pink rabbit"I tried telling her that,but she didn't care." I sighed out"why not call the police?" Hanako suggests"that's what I said. She refused to." I answered.

"Her flowers off her desk were missing to. And nobody remembers he-"


I turn to see Minamoto's little brother. "Oh,hey Kou." He rushes to the spirt and starts to shake him screaming about his class mates. "WHY DOES NOBODY REMEMBER THEM?!"

"Wait,Kou! Nobody's remembering your friends either?" He drops the boy and nods"uh-huh."

Hanako stands up and brushes himself off. "Your right,I do have an idea." Hanako speaks"I KNEW IT!" Kou shouts"where did Aoi go?!"

Hanako then told us about the 7 entrances to the netherworld. Hanako told us a little about it and sadly Yashiro started to tear up. "Hey! Don't make that face!" Hanako grabs the girls cheeks"we'll help them."

"Hanako told me that he's kind of the leader of them all. He takes care of all the mysteries." Hanako pats Yashiro's head and nods.

"I'm going to!" Kou shouts"I can't let you take my senpai's to dangerous places!"

"Well,neither of you are my assistances so your both on your own. Don't blame me if you end up dead~." Hanako smiles slightly.

"Well,then." I start"let's get going. The sooner we find them the better!"

Ya'll I really wanna make a Amane X Reader(aka Hanako but he's alive) but like there's not enough information on him alive so I don't wanna touch that. But like when the manga finishes,would anyone be up for it? It wouldn't be connected to this story

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