Cleaning For The Ghost

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People are actually reading this? I thought it was gonna flop bc anything outside of EW flops for me! Anyways,thank you sm for reading!


"I thought I told you to be home by 4:30." Growls Leon"I-I'm Sorry." I stutter taking off my shoes"it won't happen to-"I start"and what was with that smile at the door?" He demands"nothing. I was ju-just remembering something that Yashiro had told m-me." He rolls his eyes"how was your ghost adventure?" He asks"it was fine. H-She doesn't exist." He smirks"I could've told you that love." He walks over to me and pins me against the wall"now,why don't you be a good girl and do my homework for me? And maybe we can forget this all happened." I nod and I feel him grab my a**.

I flinch as he smiles brightly"ok,it's upstairs. I'll be watching tv!" He then walks into the living room. I nod and walk up to his bedroom. His bag was on his bed as I picked up his belonging and set them on the desk.

I hated doing his homework for him,but thankfully today was the last day. Or at least I hope so!

I smile a little and work on our homework. My only motivation was that Hanako-Kun was going to kill him tomorrow.

Time skip to tomorrow

I had shut my shoe locker and felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped to see Yashiro"so where is Leon? I have a few things to say to him." She grins"ah! N-No it's ok. M-Me and Hanako-Kun talked it over." She gives me a confused look"Hanako-Kun?" She repeats"we're friends now. Plus,it's the correct pronoun." She nods"i guess that is true." I nod and we walk towards class"ah! I forgot! I need to stop by the other building."

She hums"why?" I grab her hand and drag her out the exit and to the old school building. "Becauseeeeeee,Hanako-Kun said to meet him in the morning for his labor." I said as she nods. "Well,we have 30 minutes before school starts. So it shouldn't be that big of deal."

I walk into the 3rd floor bathroom to see Hanako-Kun. "Hi Hanako-Kun!" He looks over at me"wow,you both showed up!" He says happily"I was only expecting you Y/N!" I let go of Yashiro's hand"she dragged me here."

"So,what did you need me to do?" I question"oh-"and like that a mop and cleaning bucket is in my hand"clean!" I nod"but why? It's not like you live here or anything right?" He glares at me"oh,right. You can't leave school grounds. My bad."

He then turns to Yashiro"and as for you. You can help out to!" Yashiro gets the same thing as I do"wha-ok." She sighs in defeat and starts to help clean up.

"Hey Yashiro,if you don't mind me asking how are you and Minamoto-Senpai?" I asked her"h-huh? Oh well...he's been ignoring me." She tells me"who is Minamoto?" Hanako-Kun asks"oh,that's Yashiro's crush." I told the ghost boy"ah! I-I-"I laugh a little"we all know you like the boy. Now,what have you done to be noticed by him?"

"Well uh...I made him a bento." I smile softly"that's sweet." I comment"and how did that turn out?" Hanako asks"eh-well-uh you see...he was freaked out." I sighed"it's ok Yashiro. I can help you try and get him to notice you." I see her brown eyes light up"r-really?!" I nod"of course. And hey,even Hanako can help."

"Oh. So we're dropping the Kun now?" I hear him ask"shut up!" He laughs a little"that would be a big help." She sighs"oh how my prince is cute." She says dreamily.

"Is she always like that?" Hanako asks"oh,yea most of the time. She's been crushing on the boy for years now." He nods and that's when Yashiro snaps out her trance.

"Oh,it's time to go." Yashiro says"really? Already..."I mutter at the end"aw." Hanako pouts"I don't want you two to leave meeee." I roll my eyes"I'll be back later." I tell him as I set the mop and bucket down.

Yashiro walks out the door as I wave goodbye to the ghost boy.

Phantom Love(Hanako Kun X Reader)-COMPLETE-BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now