The Plan

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" She's sleeping," A pause, " Caroline, I'm sure Elena will tell you what's going on when she's ready to," another pause, " because she asked me to," silence, " I'll call you back later, bye Care," then he hung up.

" You're awake," He said giving her a gentle smile.

Elena looked at Stefan, sitting up and wrapping the blanket around herself. Stefan handed her a glass of red wine, his own glass of bourbon sitting at the table next to him.

"Want to explain what happened?" Stefan asked.

Elena took a deep sigh then took a sip of her wine, " Damon told me he's the reason my dad got in the accident on the Wickery Bridge," she said as steadily as possible. " We were talking about how my dad was an Augustine Doctor, and how Damon had been killing their families for decades. So I asked if they hadn't died that night, if he would have killed them," Elena explained her voice calm and even. " Then he admitted he was the reason they died that night," Elena said her voice breaking at the end. The whole thing didn't feel real to Elena yet, still made her sick to her stomach. She could not wrap her mind around the fact Damon had been lying to her for years, that she had missed out on so much in her life because of his selfish ideologies. She couldn't understand how she had been able to look past everything he'd done to those around her, how had she been able to just let it all slide? And for what? Because she had loved him? Could she even call it that if it was based on a lie?

Stefan's calm demeanor falter when Elena finished her story. His green eyes studied the woman in front of him, ever amazed by her ability to stay calm in the face of trauma.

" I'm sorry Elena," Stefan said her voice earnest.

" Me too," Elena said softly. She was sorry for a lot of things, more than she could possibly ever really apologize for.

" What are you going to do?" Stefan asked tentatively.

" I.. I don't know. I can't even look at him right now Stefan, I can't be in the same room as him. I feel like I wasted so much time and energy trying to defend him when the entire time he's kept this from me," Elena said shaking her head. " What am I supposed to do? What would you do?" She asked looking up at the man with her large doe-like eyes. 

Stefan shook his head, " I don't know. I don't want to get in the middle of your relationship with him, but I know you well enough to know you'll need to process all this," he said honestly.

Elena nodded, " I just want to run away, get far away from here," she said.

Stefan chuckled a little, " well you are a vampire Miss Gilbert, that is an option," he pointed out. "Where would you want to go?" he asked.

Elena smiled a little, " somewhere warm where I can figure out how not to murder Damon in a bikini," she mused.

"Then let's go, we can figure this out far away from everyone here," Stefan suggested.

Elena looked up at Stefan her breath shaking a little as she nodded, " alright, let's get in one of our cars and we'll go," she said.

Stefan raised an eyebrow, " where do you want to go?" he asked.

" Anywhere but here," Elena said, " somewhere I've never been so I can get lost in that town instead of getting lost in the thoughts I've been having," her large brown eyes looking into Stefan's emerald eyes.

Stefan nodded, " find some tiny beach town and start over?" he suggested.

Elena nodded letting out a small breathy, " yeah," wanting nothing else.

Stefan looked at Elean and nodded back, " let's go."

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