Chapter Two - Aliens Attack

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*Chapter Two - Aliens Attack*

*Madison's P.O.V.*

Panic has filled the entire stadium now. Anyone who can see what's happening is shrieking and everyone else is on tip toes, up on other peoples shoulders trying their hardest to see what is going on or whispering worriedly to each other trying to guess what it is that could possibly disturb their one direction concert in this way.

“What's happening?” Annie says, her eyes wide and face pale.

“Maybe it’s some kind of monster that's come to kill us all!” I answer sarcastically. Ashton shoots me a glare that says ‘not helping, Mad’ as she tries to comfort Annie.

“Mad, thinking of the worst will get us nowhere it’s probably just some big practical joke that Louis planned with the others.” Stacy says trying to see a less scary possability.

“I don’t think so, I mean have you seen the looks on their faces?” Ashton says pointing towards the stage. We all turn to look and see their terrified faces looking right back at us. They have this look on their faces like they want us to run as fast as we can towards them so…. That’s what we decide to do.

"We can't just go running up to the stage," I say "maybe we should try going to the entrance to the backstage, the one on this side of course."

"Good idea Mad we just have to hope that the boys have the same one" Stacy says thoughtfully as she takes the lead and starts running.


*Liam's P.O.V*

"Oh god" Harry says

"The girls are gonna die out there" Niall cries sounding extremely scared.

"Where are they?" I ask.

The boys shrug so we begin to scan the crowd for any sign of the girls it is rather hard considering everyone is trying their hardest to catch a glimpse of what's going on and therefore getting in the way of our line of sight, even from this height..

"I think I see them" Louis says pointing towards the crowd.

We all look were he's pointing and see them standing there.

"Yep, that's them all right" says Zayn

"Ok well then how are we gonna get them to come?" I ask. Everyone thinks about the posibilities for a second.

"We could text them." Zayn suggests.

"Nah, all our phones are backstage in the safe," I say. "And none of us know the code."

"Ok well maybe we should try to send them telepathic signals!" Niall says.

"Yeah and maybe pigs will fly, come on there's got to be a way" Louis says desperately

"There looking our way!" Harry yells.

"Everyone we are gonna have to hope for the best with the telepathic idea" I say sounding like an idiot.

So we all stand there looking retarded and constipated but they seem to get the message and soon run out of sight in the direction of the stage.

"Thank god that worked!" I say.

"Yeah that would have been quite awkward if it didn't." Zayn laughs.

We all look at each other silently for a second then burst into uncontrolable fits of laughter.

When the laughter finally subsides Louis says "Maybe we should wait for them outside the entrance to backstage"

"Why would we do that Lou?" Harry asks.

"Well they can't just go running up to the front of the stage it is most crowded there and they wouldn't be able to get up onto the stage anyway." Louis says explaining himself.

"Oh Louis, your a genius!" I smile patting him on the head "Come on guys let's go!" I say as we make our way towards backstage.


*Madison's P.O.V.*

We run through the dense crowd of terrified teenage girls pushing them aside as they toppled over each other.





We leave a trail of screams in our wake but when one girl lands flat on her face as we run by and bursts into tears, being the nice people we are, we decide to stop and calm her down a little. When the girl stops crying she tells us that her name is Lara and asks us why we were running.

"Well," I say to Lara, she seems very nice really, not the kind of girl you would expect to cry without reason so I decide to tell her.

"You see Lara me and my friends here are good friends with those cheeky little boys on stage and that's how we got these," I explain pointing to my VIP pass and backstage pass.

"Umm Madison? Lara asks interupting my story.


"Ummmm I'm not quite sure how to say this but... well... your friends are gone..." Lara says.

I quickly look around me, Lara's right my friends have gone 'some friends they are' I think, 'what do I do now?'

"Damn!" I say, I look Lara straight in the eyes "now don't you go worrying about me I will be just fine, you should really worry about getting yourself and your friends out of here." I turn away to start running again.

"Oh and Lara," I say looking back over my shoulder "Nice meeting you!" I finish with a wink as I start running as fast as I can in the direction I think the backstage entrance is, unfortunately since everyone is now on tiptoes or on other peoples shoulders I can't see where the stage is anymore.

Suddenly I stumble and fall to the ground, as I stand up I come face to face with a pair of bright red eyes, I hear people screaming and then everything goes black.

*EDITING* When Aliens Attack! (One Direction and Doctor Who Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now