Chapter Four - I'm The Doctor

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Chapter Four - I'm The Doctor

*Madison's P.O.V*

Urgh, my head hurts so bad and what on earth is that noise, it's soo annoying... urgh!

I open my eyes and am immediately blinded by a bright green fluorescent light.

"Ah, 'bout time you woke up!" Says a man as the green light turns off.

I sit up feeling slightly dazed "Umm not to trouble you or anything but where am I?"

"You're on my ship" The man answers proudly "I call it the TARDIS it stands for -"

"Time And Relative Dimentions In Space!" I finish for him.

"How did you know that?" He asks.

"I, uh, well," I try to explain "I saw it on that TV show, you know 'Doctor Who' with all the aliens and stuff?"

"But I -" The man tries to say.

"OMG that means your the doctor!!!" I yell like the crazy fan I am.

"But how -" He tries again.

"Oh My GOD!! Do you really have two hearts? Do aliens really exist? Are you real? How -"

"STOP TALKING!" He yells

I shut my mouth to stop the flow of thoughts to words.

"Ok," he sighs "How do you know all that and did you say TV show??"

"Yeah it's one of the best TV shows that ever existed!! It's called 'Doctor Who' because the Doctor, that's you, never tells anyone his real name! Wow you are real aren't you! So the two hearted Time Lord from Galifrey is real!!!!! This is amazayn! Sorry that's a one direction thing, anyway... Hi my name is Madison and I'm a huge fan!!"


"Oh do you want me to say the thing?" I ask

"What thing?"

"You know, 'Wow, it's bigger on the inside!!'" I say putting on a funny accent.

"Uh... I'm just going to pretend you didn't say any of that until I actually have the time to worry, ALOT, about whatever the hell you meant." The Doctor says looking rather worried.

"You do that!" I answer happily.

"Ok then, Hello Madison I'm the doctor and right now we have a problem!" says the Doctor.

AHHHHH I'm talking to the Doctor and OMG I am in the TARDIS, I am actually IN the TARDIS!!! This is so awesome it is so big and even cooler than it was on TV, this is sooooooo awesome AHHH!

If you don't already know, well your missing out, but anyway the TARDIS is the Doctors ship (of sorts) that can take him anywhere in space and time! It looks like a simple police phone box on the outside, but on the inside it is endless! There are so many passageways and rooms and all that chiz! The Doctor is the awesomest person in human history, not that he is human but well yeah... Hang on... DID HE SAY??!

"What problem?" I ask feeling stupid.

"Don't you remember why your here?" He asks disbelievingly.

"Um no, not really." I answer feeling really stupid now.

"All right then, you were running along and then you stumbled and when you got back up something almost killed you!" the doctor explains "Do you remember any of that?"

"Oh, yeah I remember now," I shiver "It had bright red eyes!"

"Well that's the ood's for you..."

"What do you mean I thought the oods were harmless?" I ask.

"Well I guess that's the idea, look harmless until everyone trusts you then kill them all as they sleep!! Except... you had a full on attack and survived...?" He questions.

"I must be extremly lucky!" I say meaning that I not only survived but I also met the doctor.

"Yes you must be..." The Doctor replies absent mindedly.

After a few minutes of him staring into space I cough to get his attention again.

"Right," he says as he snaps out of his 'trance' "Well then Madison I have never had any real issues with the ood before so what about this TV show?"

"What about it?"

"You said the TV show had 'aliens and stuff' so... where the ood ever featured?" The doctor asks making alot more sense now.

"Well yes actually they did, in three episodes I think? Maybe more but anyway... Yes in the planet of the ood they pretty much explain everything and if that episode is true then we should be able to just wait until YOU save the entire human race!"

"Yeah but that's IF that episode is true an quite honestly I don't feel like betting my life on some TV programme!" The doctor says.

"Umm well when you put it that way maybe we should go find out some more information!"

"Yes we should, off we go!" He says walking towards the exit of the TARDIS "Wait WE?"

"Yes WE, there is no way you are ever, ever getting rid of me!" I answer getting really exited now, an adventure with the Doctor!! Every whovian's dream right?

"Ok then, better get started!" the Doctor smiles as we got out of the TARDIS together.

*EDITING* When Aliens Attack! (One Direction and Doctor Who Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now