chapter : 6

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Hongjoong's point of view

Seonghwa and I walk across the campus in search of Yeosang. He's been having issues with some girl named Jandi and according to Seonghwa she can't be trusted.

Me: Is she mean?
Seonghwa: Not really but she just has that look, you know what I mean? Like you can tell they're absolutely insane.

I chuckle.

Seonghwa: And I hate the fact she lives in Cina's house.
Me: How is Cina? I haven't seen her since my birthday party.

He smiles, whenever he talks about her his eyes light up and he lets out a content sigh. The man is whipped.

Seonghwa: She's good, she's not ignoring me anymore.
Me: She was ignoring you?

He nods and begins to tell me how he ate her last pack of fruit snacks which resulted in her ignoring him for a week and a half. He bought her five boxes to make up for it. Cina and Yeosang walks towards us laughing and talking about something random.

Me: They're like bestfriends.
Seonghwa: Friends?

He chuckles before shaking his head.

Yeosang: Hyungs, what're you doing here?
Me: I heard you have a new admirer on your hands.
Cina: Admirer? That girl is a stalker.

Yeosang shrugs not really bothered by it.

Yeosang: Eventually she'll lay off and go about her life, I'm not too worried about it.

That's Sang for you, calm and nonchalant. I nod my head understandingly. We all frown as Cina's stomach makes a foreign noise.

Seonghwa: When's the last time you ate?

Her tongue sticks out the side of her mouth while she thinks, she snaps her fingers before smiling. Seonghwa and Yeosang practically gush over her, I raise an eyebrow at Sang.

Cina: This morning before class.

Hwa's eyes widen.

Seonghwa: Your first class was at nine this morning! It's practically two o'clock!

And thus the lecture begins.


I sigh as we enter the all too familiar korean bbq restaurant.

Cina: Oh this is the place Char works at!

My ears perk up at the mention of the shy girl. As if on cue she comes out dressed up in her complimentary work uniform. Her eyes widen as she sees us and a kind smile spreads across her face.

Char: Hi guys.
Cina: Hi! How's your day going?
Char: It's going okay.

I frown, just okay?

Char: So, what can I get for you guys?

After we order almost half the menu she takes our requests and head to the kitchen. Yeosang rolls his eyes as his phone continues to vibrate off the hook.

Stalker indeed.

Cina: How's y'all fancy little school?

Seonghwa rolls his eyes while I laugh.

Me: It's okay, the people are really annoying.
Yeosang: When you're surrounded by rich and privileged that'll happen.
Cina: You're rich and privileged.

Yeosang frowns.

Yeosang: Shut up.

Char walks out carrying a tray full of food. A frown appears on my face when I notice she's having a hard time carrying all of it, shouldn't it be another waiter helping? Before I can do anything she trips and the food goes every which way.

We gasp.

We all instantly get up to help her, some man comes rushing out with a pissed off expression. His uniform tells me he's the head chef.

Chef: What happened?
Char: I tripped sir.
Chef: My precious food went to waste.

Yeosang's eyes narrow at the man.

Chef: Are you dumb? Why weren't you being careful?
Me: Excuse me, you don't have to talk to her like that.
Seonghwa: Yeah, it's fine. The food can be replaced you should see if your co-worker is okay.

He scoffs.

Chef: She always makes mistakes like this, she's incapable of doing anything.

Char head hangs low as Cina tries to pick the food out of her hair.

Me: That's enough, leave her alone.

He lets out a humorless chuckle before walking towards me so we're face to face.

Chef: Who are you to tell me what to do? Hm? Some young punk?

Oh hell nah.

The manager, Bong-kim walks out once he hears all the commotion. His eyes widen once he sees me and he bows.

Bong: What's going on?
Chef: Your waitress messed up again, no surprise there and then this troublemaker is giving me lip.

I tap my foot impatiently.

Bong: Chef Lee, I wouldn't say that.
Chef: And why not?
Bong: This is Kim Hongjoong.
Chef: And?

Bong says my name again putting emphasis on my surname. It takes ten minutes for the dumbass Chef to understand.

Chef: H-Hongjoong? The owner's son Hongjoong?

My parents own a chain of restaurants in the area, this being one of them.

Bong nods, facepalming at the older man's stupidity. The chef looks at me with a trembling lip.

Me: Don't say shit to me. Apologize to her and go make our food.
Chef: Y-yes sir. I'm sorry Char, so sorry.

He scurries to the back and Cina helps Char off the floor. Her outfit is covered in sauce and meat, rice sticks to her hair and her face is so sad. Cina hugs her not carrying if the food gets on her as well.

Me: I'm going to talk to my father about him getting fired. He shouldn't talk to or treat anyone that way.

Char panics as she grabs my arm, my eyes widen.

Char: No!
Seonghwa: No? That guy is a jerk.
Char: But he has three kids and one of them is extremely sick. His wife is out of work due to health issues as well so he has to take on full financial responsibility.
Seonghwa: And?

I try not to laugh. Seonghwa often worries if he'll make a good CEO to take over his dad's businesses but I think he'll be perfect.

I sigh before nodding.

Me: Fine.

She smiles a little making my heart flutter.


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