Advanced music

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Hellos me lovelies how're ya'll today? so as you can see i have started a new book. as you can see it is a niam and larry....its also a collaboration!!!!!!!!!!!!!with my wife!!!!!!!!!!!!!! shayna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it may also take us longer to update 'cause she doesn't have a laptop:( yeah well here ya go!


(by 1D_tommo)

Louis' POV

      "Louis William Tomlinson you get your butt out of bed NOW!!!! We are not being late the first day!!!" "UHHHH Cher just go awayyyy please!!" Sisters blah. They are so annoying."No you are getting up whether you like it or not!" She yelled from downstairs. I dragged myself out of bed and put on  my favorite striped shit and threw on some red skinny jeans and TOMS, and ran down to the kitchen where my step-sister Cher was waiting. " You take way to long to get out of bed, you know that??" "Maybe you just wake up too early...think about that eh?" " Whatever just grab a carrot or something and lets go!"

         As we got in the car I recived a text from my best mate, Niall Horan, From: Nialler, Hey man are you comin' to pick me up this mornin' or what??  To:Nialler, ya mate calm down me and Cher are comin' up the street. That little Irish fool. He can't wait for more than 5 seconds without freaking out. Me and Cher lived only a couple blocks away from Him and we always came to pick him up in the morning. Us 3 lived in the rich part of town, Kings Village, wheras the working class lived downtown.

        Niall was standing by his drive when we pulled up with a Nandos bag in his hand, like always. That boy and his food, never come between Niall and his food, It won't end well. Not at all. " Hey mate!" He said as he climbed in the back " Did you two hear, they have an advanced music class this year and there having auditions today at lunch, my favorite subject as you know!" Hmm an advanced music class? I'd have to think about that, I have been told I have a lovely voice.. not to mention i've never had anything less than an A in, well, any class really. Yeah why not sounds fun! "That sounds great Nialler! You auditioning?" I asked. "Oh yeah man, all the way!" He shouted with his mouth full. "But I will need to miss lunch..." Cher hasn't said anything, yet she is really a gifted music student.. hmmm wonder what thats about. We were now just pulling into the schools parking lot.

             Harrys POV

            I walked into the schools office to get my schedule and found Zayn, my best mate, In there too, getting his as well.  "Hey Harry!" He called to me " Guess what?!? There having advanced music class auditions at lunch today!!" Advanced music!! Music was my best subject!! "I'm so gonna tryout!" I said " What 'bout you?" "I don't know i'm nowhere as good as you." That crazy guy he really doubted his voice, but i knew he had a great one it was really amazing. "Don't be stupid Zayn you really should!" I tried to encorage him. "I don't know? Maybe." We were walking out into the hall way when Tomlinson and Horan rulers of the school walked in and shoved me into The file cabinet by the door and I hit my back on it. And it hurt. Right on the corner too.

          God I hated Tomlinson and his crew. At our school we have a social ladder Me,Zayn and my other friend Liam at the bottom and Tomlinson, Horan and Lloyd at the very top. I Rember when social status didn't matter back when we were 8, Me and Tomlinson used to be friends until Middle school anyways. I remember back when my dad was still alive, we used to live in big mansion uptown, right across from the Tomlinsons.

            Me and Louis used to play outside all the time with Niall and Cher, but once my dad died we lost everything. My dad was a achoholic and used all of our money on drinks, my father hid hid debt but once he passed away, We uncovered his secrets and had to pay his debt off which left us with nothing. After me and my family moved Downtown louis and his family disowned our own.


authors note!!!!!!!!!!!

I know it wasn't very long but what do you guys think????


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