Chapter 1

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Celeste walked through the corridors in the morning attending the breakfast. Her icy blonde hair put up loose braids, and well clean gryffindor robes were bellowing behind her as her pace was extremely fast, yet it looked like she was walking.

Her reputation in school was of the brightest and most intelligent witch of her age. Being the brightest witch, it came as a shock when she found herself in detention, for pranking students.

Celeste entered the great hall, and it was buzzing with life as tomorrow was a match between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

Celeste was a chaser for the Gryffindor team, and she was extremely talented at that.

She slipped on a seat beside her best mate, Helena Black, who was drinking her tea and talking to Cecalia Eddard.

"Sup?" Celeste asked as she filled her cup with tea and took a toast from a plate.

"Nothing. So what's your agenda today?" Helena asked as she turned her face to look at Celeste.

"Oh nothing much. Just attend classes and attend practice. I am not looking for trouble today." Celeste said as she took a bite from her toast and sipped on her tea.

"Celeste, and not getting into trouble? Is the end of the world near?" Helena dramatically looked around for the sign of damages, making Celeste roll her eyes.

"Shut up Ena, or you will find yourself in a sticky situation." Celeste smirked as she sipped on her tea.

"Nevermind that, are you ready for the potions test? Professor Fydoria will give me detention if I get one more D in his tests." Helena groaned as she ate her sausage.

"I told you yesterday to go through the potions. Your mistake that you didn't. Let the professor give you the detention, then maybe you can learn something from it." Celeste retorted as she finished her tea.

"Oh please, you sound like my mother." Helena huffed as she completed her sausage and took her bag and stood up, Celeste following the suit.

"Your mother told me to keep an eye on you. So I am doing what I am being told." Celeste shrugged and smirked as her best friend rolled her eyes as they exited the great hall and walked towards their first class, that was charms.

"Good thing that first class is with Hufflepuffs. I am not ready to face Slytherins." Helena said, heaving a sigh of relief.

"Will you stop being judgemental, Ena? Except for the group of 12 git Slytherins, others are good." Celeste chided as they took stairs to charms class.

"Yeah yeah dear mother." Helena said, rolling her eyes and changed the topic entirely.

The classes were as usual for Celeste. Answering the questions and taking down notes.

Celeste found herself happily walking on the grassy field after her intense quidditch practice.

Her shoes were clutched in her hands. She stepped towards one tree near a forbidden forest which she discovered while taking a stroll last year, and she met bowtruckles.

As soon as she reached the tree, she was greeted by the sound of multiple chirps sounding from the woods, and a few heads peaked out.

"Hello there. How are you all today?" Celeste asked as she extended her arm towards the tree, and one of the bowtruckle climbed on the hand of Celeste, and walked up to her shoulders and settled there.

"Ahh Ricky, how are you?" Celeste asked as she gazed at the bowtruckle over her shoulder.

The bowtruckle clicked his woody hands and chirped. "That's good. You should always be happy." Celeste said as she looked over other bowtruckles who chirped happily at the sight of friendly humans they are accustomed to see.

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