Chapter 10

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November 26, 1926,

Celeste found herself awake in her bed. Newt was traveling to New York for something that needed to be done. She rolled on her stomach and stared at the empty side of the bed.

She sighed before turning on her back and sat up in her bed. It was time for her to go to the ministry for her job. She yawned and turned around and let her feets touch the ground.

She quickly slipped her feets through the slippers and quickly grabbed her robe and walked out of her room. Her icy blonde hair was a great mess but she could care less.

As she walked into her kitchen, she noticed that her owl, Victoria, was sitting on the kitchen perch with a letter tied to her leg.

She walked to the owl and untied the letter, stroking feathers. The owl chirped happily before taking off through the kitchen window. Celeste smiles before looking at the letter. It was from Newt.

Her face visibly lightened up as she opened the letter and started to prepare her tea at the same time. She kept the kettle of water on the stove with tea leaves in it.

She sat on the dining chair in the kitchen, and started to read the letter.

Dear Celeste,

      I am sorry for not sending you the letter earlier. Frank has been keeping me occupied. And yeah, I am in New York, or will be there in New York in a few days time. By the time this letter reaches you, I think I will be in New York.

     I do miss you on the journey I am on. The place I visited before going to New York is extremely beautiful. The rainforest reminded me of you so much. You surely would love this.
    There isn't much to write honestly. Only thing is that I miss you. Bandit hasn't caused any chaos. I still think that keeping his name Bandit was not a good choice. But, Pickett still hasn't left me. He is reluctant to join the others.

     And Dougal misses you. He would look at me with big eyes, in hopes that I would carry him around on my hips. Other creatures are good and healthy.

     I hope I will see you soon. Victoria knows where I am. So if you want to write me a letter back, give it to her.


Celeste smiled involuntarily and ran her fingers across the letter. "I miss you too Newt." Celeste said, before folding the letter. The tea pot started to whistle.

She got up from the chair and switched off the gas and removed the kettle from the stove. She poured herself a cup of tea. She thought about writing a letter to Newt, but she was interrupted by an owl swooping in.

The owl landed on the table before her. Celeste knew that it was the minister's owl. She suppressed a groan while she kept her tea cup aside.

She took the letter from the owl's beak. The owl ruffled its feathers before taking off. "Please don't be on any emergency mission." Celeste mumbled under her breath before opening the letter.

Respected Ms. Fischer,

      There is a worldwide meeting in New York today. And in that, you as a british envoy are going to attend it. You have to report to the ministry in 30 minutes, as the meeting begins in an hour. You are given this role because of your political knowledge about the Grindelwald situation.

     Please report to the ministry in the given time.

Minister of Magic,
Hector Fawley.

Celeste let out a loud groan before glaring at the letter. "Of course he himself won't attend it. I swear he will destroy this ministry." Celeste grumbled before standing up and picking up the cup of tea. She hastily took a sip from her cup of tea.

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