~Chapter 3: Echoes~

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Kati had a little backpack which had been laid on the side of the tree, she got it and took a bunch of equipment out.
"Hmm.. We have ropes... We have grippers.. We have a helmet.. We hav-"
She stopped straight away as she heard me laugh silently..
"We don't need all that stuff just to inspect deep ground."
Kati took them out anyway and equipped the gear on me, as though I was going on a big secret mission in the mountains or somewhere.
Yes. A big SECRET mission. It could be that.
As I hung on tight to the rope, Kati carefully lowered me down into the ground until I reached the bottom. My eyes wondered around. Dark. Spooky. When I tried talking, it echoed.
Echoes everywhere. I looked up and saw Kati, she looked like she wanted to know whats it like underground...
As I finally reached the bottom, I roamed around, only to see a faint light coming from a distance.. a small cave opening.
"Seen anything yet? Carina?" I too aware about my surroundings that I didn't even listen to Kati, who was eager (as always).
"I see a cave opening, I'm going in."
I cut the rope for Kati to pull up, then I got my flashlight from my pocket and STARTED roaming around.
"Do you want me to come?.... Carina you gone?"
I lost track of Katis voice too.
Nails. No change.
'Carina, there is no time to think of that right now.'
I wish i had a map somehow..
"Hello?" As I talked into the cave, my voice echoed and echoed...
Howls. I then heard howls.
It seemed like they heard me...
The voices came from the end of the cave, where I'm heading to currently. As I gulped, I kept on walking. Its probably my mind playing tricks..
I heard the noises grow louder, echoes.

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