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After that morning, things turned considerably better. Perth wasn't the same as he used to be, but he was healing and slowly overcoming his insecurities. He opened up to me little by little. I always made sure I spent at least an hour a day cuddling and talking with him regardless of how busy I was. Still, his smiles were rare. I miss his smiles. But this was a lot better than what it was like a few weeks ago. His appetite was getting better, he was eating more, and my little tiger finally gained some weight. I always made sure he ate proper meals.

I had a long talk with him about his obsession with my current work, going so far as to extracting a promise from him to not watch it or go through any hashtag related to my current screen-pairing. Of course, my brat protested, but I stood firm on it until he had no choice but to give in. His fiery temper did things to me that my brat wasn't ready to know about yet, so I had to flee to the bathroom after that little shouting-match. How that scrawny, bratty lover of mine manages to be bloody handsome no matter what he does, is still a mystery to me. He's cute and sexy too. Urgh!

I took my baby on dates. No matter what people say, a relationship does thrive on romance and I didn't hold back from being bold with my lover; telling him cheesy lines, throwing honest compliments, stealing a kiss now and then, holding his hand over the table or keeping a possessive grip on his thigh under the table.

I felt like I was courting him. When we started this relationship, my lover was the one that courted me after getting my permission to do so. He courted me for two months before I managed to get over my doubts and agree to be his boyfriend. It was a totally different experience to have the situation reversed and I wondered how my lover dealt with the uncertainty during the courtship. For one so young, he has been immensely patient and mature, the extent of which I understood only now. I wasn't under the pressure of getting him to be mine, but he was. And he dealt with it quite well. And now I felt guilty for taking so long to come to a decision.

It was a wholly different thing to see my lover blush softly at my boldness and to see the delighted twinkle in his eyes that told me he loved the dates. It was different to feel this nervousness I'm plagued with when I took him somewhere, wondering if he would like it or not. I have never before felt things like this. It was always him who took me out. My style was to arrange surprises at home. I cook dishes I know he likes, set the ambiance and we have a great time. This was a lot different. A lot scarier. It made me appreciate his efforts more.

As always, he was sweet, gentle and patient with me. Regardless of how shy I was making him, he let me know he enjoyed my attentions and that he appreciates my efforts. It was satisfying. It made me so very happy. I was a whirlwind of joy these days.


Today, it was my turn to be shy, to blush. He matched his off with mine and took me out to the city. We always rush around the city, but we never really stop to look. Going out with my lover was different. It was fun to just look at things without being burdened by the pressure of buying something. It was strangely liberating. I stared at him as he closed his eyes and turned up his head to receive the stray spray from a fountain with a content smile on his face. He looked happy, handsome. Seeing things from his point of view was a special experience I'll treasure forever.

His child-like delight in seeing everyday sights was contagious. He dragged me around like a little kid to toy-stores and party-supplies stores, taking delight in staring at the colorful merchandise. He flitted from one store to the next, almost dancing on his feet in his excitement. Several times, I wanted to trap him in my arms and kiss him but held myself back for fear of ruining the romantically frivolous aura surrounding us.

It was wonderful to see this side of him. I was always of the opinion that he grew up too fast. Having to deal with adult problems since a young age and then dating someone older than him, he never got the chance to grow up normally. Once we got home, he will switch back to being the mature young man, but for now, he was being his age, letting me see something inside of him that he rarely let out. It was precious. It reminded me that he was still young. It also reminded me that he has a child inside of him that he will never grow out of. He would point out something he found interesting, then would look at me with shining eyes asking what I thought of it and if I wanted to buy it.

As the day wore on, he took me to my favorite sports-store to buy me workout clothes. I had more than enough but, "P'Saint always goes to the gym so it's good to have more stuff." His eyes were so soft and vulnerable as he said this that I gave-in and let him buy whatever he thought I needed. He enthusiastically rooted around the store as soon as I said yes and started piling up stuff for me to fit-on. I blushed and blushed as he asked me if I liked something before adding it into the pile.

I spent the rest of the evening blushing as he came inside the fit-on room with me and checked me out every time I put something on. He wasn't looking at me with lust, he was too busy selecting stuff that were comfortable to think of those things, but the mere fact that it was Perth seeing my naked body as I changed and it was Perth checking me out was enough to make my body hot. My heart was racing by the time he picked out the stuff we both were satisfied with and exited the room.

He was checking some shoes for me when I heard a girl's voice call out my lover's name. "P'Perth!"

Perth turned, a huge smile lighting up his visage, instantly making me feel jealous. I clenched my hands and ground my teeth as the two hugged and MY PERTH lifted that-that-slug and twirled her around, laughing happily. The two started chattering, teasing each other and I was this close to yanking my man away from the afore-mentioned slug.

Perth turned, dragging the girl by her hand, excitedly leading her towards me. I quickly schooled my features.

"Babe, this is my cousin sister, Fire. Fire, this is my boyfriend, Saint."

Shit! My cheeks flamed in embarrassment about my earlier jealousy-driven anger.

"Swaddee kha, P'Saint. P'Perth always talks about you." She chimed in excitement.

My cheeks flamed even more at that information. "Swaddee krub, N'Fire." I was suddenly shy.

"Oooh! P'Saint is as cute as P'Perth said he is."

Oh god! What the heck has my crazy lover told his family about me? I'll be blushing forever.

I stole a glance at Perth and saw him chuckling! Chuckling! How could he? I'm dying of embarrassment here! The evil little brat! I've got to take control of this situation!

"It's nice to meet you Nong. I hope Perth hasn't said too many embarrassing things about me."

"Oh no P'. Relax. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. We will be family na." she gave me a meaningful wink making me blush again about the whole 'family' thing. Urgh! Teasing me must be a family trait.

After a few more minutes of chatting, or rather 'Saint-teasing', she bade us good-bye and went to join her friends.

"You are so cute, babe."

I froze. It has been months since he got so bold around me. I was elated but I was shy too. He was coming strongly. I blushed furiously, staring at my feet, unable to meet his eyes. My heart started racing again. When I finally managed to look up at him, it was to the sight of his lust-filled eyes. They have darkened and his desire was palpable. He licked his lips unconsciously. The dark desire in his eyes made me take a step back only to have him prowl forward. It went on like that till I was backed against a wall. He leaned forward and slipped a possessive hand around my sensitive waist subtly. Having waited for so long to feel my lovers touch again, it was all I could do not to moan out loud. As it is, I squirmed in his much-welcome hold and dropped my head on his shoulder and whimpered quietly.


He quickly looked around, then led me to the fit-on rooms. The moment the door was locked, my lover was all over me, kissing me, licking me, nipping at me. He ground his hips against mine and I gasped as I felt his hardened length. It was too much to my hungry body and I reflexively hooked a leg around his waist, opening me up to him and pulling him closer. He sucked and bit my lips till they were swollen. I held onto his buttocks and ground my hips against his, rubbing our cocks together through our clothes. It didn't take long for us to come in our pants like a pair of dumb teenagers. We haven't done anything in a long while. Probably that's why.

We stayed like that for a while. I wanted to demand him to take me home and have his way with me coz it has been so long, but as we came down from our high, I remembered him telling me he wanted to take me out for dinner. I didn't want to ruin our date, so I kept my mouth shut. For now. I haven't tasted my lover in a long time. I will have him tonight. 


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